Chapter 13

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I wake up to a crying Jayden I go to his room. "Hi jay baby what's wrong" He looks at me and starts laughing and babbling I change him and take him downstairs amd sit him in his swing. Joi and Dre having a daddy daughter day I'm so happy that he is spending alot of time with his kids I wish I had that when I was a little girl. I turn on music on ma water speakers blasting Bitch better have my money by Rihanna and clean the house. Jayden is clapping his hands yelling "You like Rihanna baby! He looks at me and smile to be honest I been thi king about having another baby but I don't know of Dre wants to I'm gone talk to him about. I start to do the dishes when the doorbell rings. When I open the door there is a woman standing there she was tall,thin and had pretty brown hair. " Can I help you? I say looking at her "Is this Dre house? She says with hopeful eyes "whose asking? "I'm his mother can I please come in my husband is parking the car?. I look her up and down and let her in we go to the living room and she sits on the couch "You must be Shay I'm guessing. The lady says I turn and look at her " I am and you are? She gets up to shake my hand "I'm Debra Lee nice to finally meet you I've heard alot about you . I smile and finish the dishes then sit on the opposite couch when the doorbell rang again "come in I think that's your husband . I was right he was tall and built and looked at me then smiled "hello I'm Marcus nice to meet you. I nod my head "you too. Then Debra looks at Jayden "awe who is this little handsome man? I loom at Jayden who was mugging the hell outta Marcus he getting bad vibes and I am too "this is Jayden Dres son. She eyes me "this isn't your son? I shake my head " No but I adopted him when his mom died so he is legally but Dre and I do have a daughter together that's where he is he should be back any minute hopefully

He need to get his ass back here this is weird 😓😌😒


Today I spent almost the whole morning with my baby girl I barley get to see her so I'm happy we did this. I took her to build a bear and to American girl she had fun now we going so I can cuddle with my baby doll " Did you have fun Joi.? "Omg yes daddy it was so fun can we do it again soon please? I nod my head at her of course baby girl anything for you. When we pull up to the house there is a car in my driveway who is here . I get Joi out the car and go into the house when I walk in the living room I see Debra and some nigga sitting on ma couch "Shay what the fuck? I look at her "Nope don't blame me I didn't know she was yo mom mff better chill. She say taking Jayden upstairs for his nap "Man what do you want Debra I told you man you not staying here period. Shay comes back downstairs "Dre why cant they we have plenty room its just for a couple days don't be like that. " I SAID NO OKAY DAMN STOP QUESTIONING ME !! I lost it I don't her rubbing off on ma kids . Shay sits down and runs debras back cause she was crying "It's okay you can stay Dre wont mind cause he not gone be here. I look at her and smile I got that ass. I just get up and take joi upstairs with me. Shay can sleep on the couch Fr idc bitch ass . 😐😒


I hate when my mommy and daddy argue it makes me sad and sometimes daddy hits mommy I just cry amd pretend I'm sleep. When daddy takes me upstairs I take a bath and get in my jammys and lay in the bed with my daddy "Daddy do you hate mommy? I ask quietly. He looks at me "No baby I don't hate yo mommy I'm just mad at her that's all. I look at him "Okay just don't hit her okay? He sits up and looks at me "Joi listen to me okay when you get older like mommy don't ever let anybody hit you okay especially a boy if they do call me or mommy that's a big no no I'm sorry I hit yo mommy I don't mean to she just makes daddy very mad. He says to me almost in tears " its otay daddy promise you won't hurt her again pinky promise? He grabs my pinky and we shake on it . Then he tucks me back into bed and I go to sleep I love my daddy 😍👫


when I finish the dinner dishes I go upstairs to take a shower when I heard moans I go towards the guest room and dre mom was having sex . I knock on the door and Marcus answers with no shirt on "Um excuse me can you guys keep it down my kids are trying to sleep? He looks me up and down then licks and smiles "Sorry we'll be quiet 😉. I turn and walk towards my room I can feel him staring at my ass maybe Dre was right this is was a bad idea. I go into our room and take a shower and put on Dre old football jersey from high school and pick Joi up and take her back to her room. When I walk out the room Marcus was standing behind "Your a good mom babygirl. I jump feeling his breath on ma neck "Thanks goodnight. I say walking away from him I don't think I could do this. When I go back to our room Dre is sitting on the bed with his hands in his hands "What's wrong baby?? He looks at me and drops his head "What that nigga say to you? I sigh "All he said was I was a good mom that's all relax. He looks at me "Its not that I know that nigga he the one that killed my pops man I wanna kill that nigga right now and wont give a fuck. I go stand in front of him "Look baby I know your upset but don't do that okay just calm down ill tell them to leave in the morning. He sits me on his lap " No I wanna keep ma eye on him is the baby monitors on in the kids rooms . I nod my head "Okay good now you looking real good in my jersey. I blush "Shut up and just take it off me. He lays me on the bed and goes to work. He so weird 😵😵

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