Chapter 20 The End?

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Today was the custody hearing on who was going to get Dre and Shay's kids. All of a sudden his mom wanna pop up and take them like man bye. They found Shay's and Marcus body in a warehouse they were both dead. So that means there was a third shooter and thays who killed Shay. Man its gone be different taking care of kids that ain't mine but ima do this for them. The custody hearong begins and Dre's mom walk in she looks at me and smiles. "All right now Mr.Jones you say you want soul custody of Joi and jayden Smith correct. I stand up "Yes your honor when their father died I was told to protect their mother and the kids with my life and when shay I meam the mother died she told me to take them. The judge looks over my personal file. "It says hear you have been arrested with Mr.Smith for trafficking drugs correct. I sigh "Yes your honor but im no longer selling or dealing with drugs I have a real job and a baby on the way. I the judge nods his head and looks over at Debra "Okay Ms.Anderson im sorry for your loss one and two you want the kids. She nods her head "Yes your honor they are the only thing I have left to remember my son by they need their grandma. She says I look at her "Excuse menyour honor but she hasnt once seen the kids since her son died even after Kashay tried to contact her the last time any of us have seen her was at his funeral. She gives me the death glare. "Well your honor it was hard to bury my only child and I wasnt ready to face her yet. I roll my eyes "Or maybe it was cause you back on that shit. I say I walk over to her and lift her sleeve up revealing fresh puncture wounds from a needle. "See your honor she is not fit to take care of these kids she needs rehab. I say the judge looks at us both and calls for reccess. This gone be a long day.

The judge ruled me the kids since I was fit to be their guardian. I go to the house and when I get there Tamia on the couch doing Joi's hair "Hey uncle G. She says getting up hugging me. I pick her up "Sup babygirl I like yo beads. She shakes her head and I shake mine and she laughs. I put her down and give Tamia a kiss "Joi gobupstaors and play with the baby and a jay jay I gotta talk to aunt Joi. She runs upstairs. "So what happened. I told her about the ruling and everything that happened. "I cant believe the nerve of that woman man she has serious problems. I agree "Hell yeah and she on that shit again no way was I letting her get them nope over my dead body. Tamia kisses my lips "Its okay now we got them thats all that matters. I go upstairs and take a shower. Imma look into a new place to live I dont want debra getting any ideas about trying to come take my loves we need to start a new life.

I lost my grandkids because that drug dealing motherfucka and now I gotta deal with the police sending me back to rehab. You know what I aint going back I'm clean I just want whats mine which are those kids they deserve to be with me. Dre would have wanted them to be with me right? I have to get them back by any means necessary. I pack up my things and head for the road I will meet up with them again in the future. I will get them back.

I was asleep and the baby starts to kick me hard. I sit up and breath in and out. I felt my legs and they were wet. My water just broke I feel instant pain. "G get up the baby's coming. He gets up and panics "Oh ma fuck what do we do. I breath "Calm down im the one having the baby get me down stairs get the kids up and lets go NOW! I scream he does excatly what I said and we head to the hospital.

Its been a couple hours and im not ready to push yet. "Babe you think she okay. G asks me I sigh "I really don't know baby lets just hope for the best. I being to Dilate and im ready to push. "okay Tamia im gonna need you to push as hard as you can okay honey. I nod my head. "Ready One Two Three PUSH. The doctors say I push my hardest. This went on for about 45 minutes. "Okay One more good push I see the head Ready One Two Three Push. "Ahhhhhhhh. I scream. I hear crys and I smile " Congratulations its a girl. I cry I did it I gave birth. "What are you gonna name her. G asks playing with her hand. "Angel Sofia Sanchez. I say kissing her little hand. The nurse beings in Joi and Jayden my little Family. ❤

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