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Sometimes we meet people who do not fulfill our expectations.

These types of characters can range anywhere from a teacher who was nice at first, to a good friend whom you found out was talking about you when you weren't around. After their true colors show, sometimes it’s hard to let go and other times you simply can’t wait.

For me, Josh was the latter.

I had lived with him for a year, an entire year, procrastinating the decision on how to kick him out.

Months upon months I had been dealing with stupid excuses for his late rent and coming home to a trashed flat because he felt the need to throw a party and get wasted behind my back. It was tiring and I couldn't wait until he was out of the house for good.

Josh hadn't met my roommate expectations - not in the slightest.

Niall, though, Niall was another story.

When we meet people who surprise us and improve exponentially based upon our first impressions, a certain mental bond is formed. The person is instinctively put on a sort of pedestal and we continually look to them for advice and support and just company in general. We surround ourselves with the acquaintanceship we think we deserve.

And Niall; he was that person.


Hey there!! I am the new owner/writer for Roommate's! The original story was written by JUVENIALLDELINQUENT and was given to me because she no longer wanted to write the story. But no worries! !! You can read it here, and I will also be finishing the book! So we have a ways to go before Roommate's comes to an end!


Roommate'sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora