what the fuck kind of bug is that?

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The first years were sitting around, the place empty and about to close. The manager had left to run a few errands, so now they had some time to themselves. Today wasn't too hectic. At least, not yet.

Ace rushed out of the storage room, causing everyone to look up at him. He pointed behind him.

"There's a fucking cockroach larger than Sebek's forehead in there." he announced to the group. "I don't even know if it's a cockroach, man."

Sebek looked annoyed at the insult directed at him, but kept his composure for the most part. "Why didn't you get rid of it?"

"I'm not going near that thing. You do it."

"Why are there always bugs in here? Didn't the manager say they hired somebody to take care of that?" Yuu groaned.

Deuce sighed. "You put too much faith in them."

"Alright, who's taking one for the team?"

"Not it," several voices chorused.

"Oh come on, guys!"

After a small squabble on who would go in and exterminate this supposed bug, they came to the agreement that they would all go into the storage room together. Grabbing some spatulas, they opened the door.

"Where did you see the bug, Ace?" Jack asked the ginger.

"On the wall next to the cleaning supplies. Ugh, it's still there."

"On the wall next to the-" Jack's expression turned to disgust. "Oh my god."

They looked at where he was looking. Sure enough, there was a bug sat on the wall. It sure as hell wasn't a roach. The most unsettling thing about it was its long, feathery antennae that moved around as it crawled a little.

"What the shit is that!?" Yuu whisper yelled.

"It's wearing the false lashes that Vil uses." Epel snorted.

"Pfft- Don't do Vil like that!" Yuu elbowed him jokingly.

"Am I wrong??"

Yuu took out their phone and took a picture. "I'm gonna send this to him later."

"Haha, he's gonna block you again."

"Shouldn't we be getting rid of it?" Sebek hissed. "Don't get sidetracked!"

"Yeah yeah, I'll do it." Yuu grabbed a nearby can of bug spray, shaking it like a cocktail. "Alright guys, step back."

"Uh, should we check if the bug is dangerous first?"

"Nahh, it's better to get it over with now." Yuu aimed the nozzle at the insect. "It's not like it's doing anything."

Then the bug proceeded to do something, as it had sensed the impending danger and flew towards Yuu's face. Yuu yelled in surprise, throwing the can at the creature. Panic ensued as the bug began to fly around the small room, making a loud buzzing noise as it went.






Deuce stomped on the bug one last time to ensure that it was dead. When it no longer moved, a wave of relief washed over everyone. They wasted no time exiting the storage room.

Yuu ran their fingers through their hair. "I think that was the most terrifying experience I had all week. And I went to Lilia's place for dinner last night."

"I second you on that, human." Sebek huffed, wiping sweat off his brow.

Jack glanced at the smoking room behind them.

"Do you think the manager's gonna be mad that we wasted all the bug spray?"

"It was for a good cause."

"But that can was supposed to last a month. We used it up in ten minutes."


There was an awkward silence. After a moment, Ace spoke up.

"Let's just buy bug spray before they come back. Then, we can pretend this never happened." he suggested.

"Yeah, thats a good idea. Should we check the convenience store from across the street?"

"It's the closest, so sure."

"What time did the manager say he was coming back?" Epel asked.

Deuce tried to recall what they had said before leaving. "I think they said around 7?"

They looked at the clock. It was 6:30. Shit.

"We should probably go get that spray right now."

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