random headcanons bc im bored

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disclaimer: some of these hcs are jokes and are not meant to be taken seriously, pls do not fistfight in the comments

- Leona's a dry texter, you could tell him your entire life story and he'd respond with "ok"

-Azul's the type to play devil's advocate during a debate

-Ace was the middle schooler who wore those brightly colored Nike clothes

-Idia uses Reddit

-Silver sometimes doesn't reply to messages for a while bc he either forgets or he falls asleep

-Kalim's not very street-smart but he's learning

-Jade will go to the store for one thing and come home with 10 plants

-If you use one of those laser toys on Grim it'll keep him entertained for an hour or two

-Floyd uses the most random of emojis when texting even if they do not fit the current situation (ex: "i just robbed a bank 🐠🐠🐠🐊🐊🐿")

-Rook is pansexual (has no gender preference)

-Lillia can somehow burn water

-Whenever he gets dragged to an event or smthn, Idia pretends to look busy by going on his phone and repeatedly opening and closing System Settings so people will leave him alone

-Someone told a ur mom joke to Deuce once and got the shit beat out of them

-Cater is for some reason on Stan Twitter

-Vil sells beauty products and accessories that he makes sure are gender inclusive

-Che'nya knows many secrets about NRC bc of all his lurking around there

-Lillia takes lots of family photos, except they're often unexpected and awkward so in most of them Malleus, Sebek, and Silver are like 🧍🧍🧍😐😐😐

-Riddle mistakes salt for sugar often and sometimes accidentally mixes it into his tea, so Trey had to label most of the things in the kitchen

-There's a little dent in the floor of Scarabia dorm from the time Jamil saw a bug and used magic to get rid of it

-Most of the beastmen (or orcs?? idrk what they're called) get overwhelmed easily in perfume stores

-Malleus likes documentaries, mostly ones about history or nature

-Leona gets annoyed by Cheka sometimes but would get angry if someone tried to hurt him

-Epel likes fighting games such as Streetfighters (I feel like he'd also like stuff such as Resident Evil)

-Idia finds otome games stressful

-Trey likes to organize things like his utensils and other kitchenware

-Deuce still tries to get upstairs as fast as possible after turning the lights off

-If messed with, Ortho can and will destroy a bitch

-Epel used to unironically follow those Alpha Male™️ accounts (he does not like being reminded of that time)

that's all my pea brain can think of for now haha bye

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