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When she was nine Eminado was dragged along to her first counselling session.


She's been acting out as of recent, and not in the traditional sense, not in a way her mother could call a phase and pray she'd grow out of.

No, she'd grown cynical and borderline psychopathic.

It had started small, telling the kids in her class Santa was a cruel slave owner who exploited his small works as well as being a front used to drain the pockets of the poor and endorse the capital gain of mass tyrant corporations.


At this stage, she was 'manageable' and most of her teachers figured she'd just watched too much CNN, but then things progressively got worse.

She'd get into full-blown arguments with her teachers, lose her temper irrationally and fight practically anyone.

but the cherry on top was when she sent a death threat to her principal because he wouldn't stock the library with the books she wanted.

It was a three-page easy detailing- in graphic detail- how she would brutally murder him.

It was dark, gruesome and landed her an appointment with the best therapist in her area.

Her behaviour wasn't unwarranted however, she wasn't just this demon child that needed to be put down.

Her father had just started using drugs and her mother was working none stop to pay all the debt he was putting them in.

Then there was her uncle.

It was a lot for her, left her angry and bitter almost unlovable.

But that's not how Dr Kathleen Díaz saw her, she saw past the temper and snide remarks and unraveled  a scared little girl who was losing herself.

Mrs Diaz was a big woman, a very big woman and it didn't bother her in the slightest.

She was the personification of sunshine, so sweet it made Eminado feel sick, her lips- that were always a deep bright red, the kind that said 'hey look at me'- bowed deeply and sat plump and small in the middle of her face.

She drew attention everywhere she went, not because of her size but because of how joyful she was, if it bothered her she never let it on. It was a mystery how she was able to always smell of peaches, her sweat would probably taste like pie, Eminado thought.

More than often she was wearing something stronger than her sweet smell whether it be a polka-dotted dress shed thrifted or overall's disturbingly colourful.

Being of Spanish descent her skin was tan and blemish-free.

Her hair was Pin straight and went against her carefree aura, it sat at the top of her head in a neat bun conveying the 7 years she spent at Harvard studying psychology.

She'd only taken such a low paying job, to be near her family and husband who was in the army.

Mrs Diaz was a beautiful women, and it didn't take to long to figure that out.

Not longs at all

She took Eminado under her wind even after the court-mandated 12-hour counselling sessions.

For a time when her father addiction reached its peak, Eminado moved in with her and her two children.

Mrs Diaz became a second mother soothing her aching scars with the love she so desperately needed.

Their the first session had gone terribly, a battle of remarks and snarky comments.

"You went to school for 7 years, got yourself a little degree, only to wind up talking about feelings with 9-year-olds, what makes you think I'd listen to you"

"Believe it or not I like being around children, even when they act like little brats, there is nothing a hug can't fix"

And that's where the relationship blossomed, they became joined at the hip.

Mrs Diaz took eminado everywhere, it had been at the countless long Sundays at church with her that she'd adopted Christianity, even if she thought the whole thing was a sham.

"You can't seriously think he's real" she'd asked her once just to push her buttons

"You chose to believe atoms crashed together and I chose to believe in a man in the sky, we both our choices" she'd replied smiling .

That's what she loved about the woman: she never gave in, even when she pushed and pushed, Mrs Diaz would never break and make her feel like she wasn't worth the hassle.

She loved that woman with all her heart, everything about her, how overly religious she was, how she didn't give a rat's ass about her weight and what anyone thought about it and mostly because she believed in Eminado.

Showed her there was more than anger and tears and that if you would just let them people were capable of expressing how much they care for you.

Their love wasn't one-sided, the woman adored the child, like she was her own, because in more ways than one, she was.

Mrs Diaz loved Eminado until her last breath, she'd laid on her death bed and only smiled at the child she had virtually raised.

Whispered sweet nothings to her, told her to never forget her sunscreen, pray before every meal and give the ones who deserve it least a second chance.

Then just like that she was gone, dead.

It was an emptiness that would never be filled, she had only been 57 when she died of heart failure.

Eminado still went to church even took a vow of chastity, thought it'd make Diaz smile.

But the little faith she had was never the same, if whoever was up there was able to take such a precious soul, they weren't worth it.

It was selfish, but it wasn't like she'd given up on  the religion completely.

She kept the bible on her at all times, the same one Mrs Diaz had carried-the same one she had re-read three times and even annotated- prayed before every meal and went to church every year on Diaz's birthday.

It was absurd, she didn't have a lick of faith left in her but an undying sense to upkeep these small traditions in the name of loyalty and love made it easy.

Ever lesson, ever breathing exercise, all those sermons on being the bigger person went out the window when she lunged across the classroom and tried strangling Mateo Ricci to death.

Hey she never said she was a good Christian



Hey guys, I know this chapter is bad just experimenting with POV's, hopefully no one takes offence to this, unman that's all bye 👋🏾

<3 u all

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