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Akaashi was on my mind when I first woke up this morning. My mother was surprised to see me up before eight. 'Chipper' is what she described me as. And to be honest she wasn't wrong. Just the thought of rekindling my relationship with Akaashi was enough to make my heart race and put an uncontrollable smile on my face. Me being excited was an understatement.

"...and don't forget to take the chicken breast out of the freezer. Breast, not wings, not whole, breast. Got it?"

"Yes I do, mom," I bent down slightly to kiss her on her cheek.

"I know how you like to confuse those things. I'll be going now."

"Drive safe. I love you!"

"I love you too. Bye now." She opened the front door and I waved her off before locking it behind her. I could hardly contain my excitement. I wanted to leave right then and there but it was only nine. Akaashi did say before twelve but I wasn't about to show up at nine am. He could still be sleeping for all I know.

For now I decided to actually get ready. Shower, pick out my clothes, do whatever I need to do.

I could hardly wait.


Now on my way to Akaashi's house, my nerves grew with every approaching step. I shouldn't be nervous, though. He said he missed me, so he must mean that he wants to be together again. It's not like we ever actually broke up anyway, so I'm fine. He's still my boyfriend.

I walked into the driveway, I was wearing a sweater with leggings. The sweater was min, of course. I didn't know whether I should wear one of his or not, seeing as we hadn't talked in what felt like ages, so I decided to go with the same option.

Finally arriving at his house, I rang the bell and waited for him to answer.

"Y/n! It's been too long," he exclaimed as he engulfed me in a hug. "My parents are out of town right now, so they won't be here. But my mother's been saying how much she's missed you and I guess she kinda rubbed off on me. Come in, come in!" He held my hand and led me inside.

I was about to take off my shoes when he abruptly stopped me. "Wait!" I looked at him confused. Why would it be such a big deal if I took off my shoes? "I broke some glass over there earlier. There still may be shards left over. I don't want you getting hurt."

That makes sense. I thought to myself. But why was he holding glass by the door?

Taking a few steps forward I leaned over, looking at him for confirmation. When he nodded and smiled I finally took my shoes off, entering his home for the first time in what felt like forever.

"We have a lot of catching up to do," he smiled, holding his hand out for me again. "Let's get to it, shall we?"


"So that's why you've been avoiding me this past... however long it's been?"

"I know it's stupid I just-" he cut me off.

"Y/n, look at me. I've been your best friend for five years and your boyfriend for two. Do you really think I could ever hurt you like that?"

"Well no it's just-"

"Yeah, ignoring you too was wrong but can you really blame me? I was hurt that day you pushed me off, you know? I felt like you didn't love me anymore."

"You know I'll always-"

"Even now, I feel like you're not listening to me. You keep trying to cut me off when I'm talking."

A. Keiji - Cheater ✓Where stories live. Discover now