𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘴¹₀

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What the fuck was I thinking? Letting her go like that? She's going to tell everyone and my life will be ruined! What am I doing? Why am I still sitting here? I have to get up and go after her. No one can know what happened here. No one but me. No one but her. No one else.

I got up from the chair I was sitting on, a new found motivation, more like a sense of urgency, was flowing through my entire body.

I know Y/n, I've known her for a long time now, hell, I was- am her boyfriend. I know that she'd see the stretch of dirt road, be tempted to take it, but instead run into the woods. Why? Because she knew I had a car. If she went into the woods it would be harder for me to find her, for me to catch up. Even though she knew she would be throwing away an opportunity to get saved, she wouldn't. She'd rather run barefoot in the woods than have a 50/50 chance of getting caught by me or saved by someone else.

I knew her too well.

I didn't know how long it would take me to find her, hopefully not long, but I decided to pack a small bag with me, just in case. Inside I packed food, water, a change of clothes, a poncho, a flashlight and a first aid kit, in the event that myself or Y/n get injured. Even though I kidnapped her, I still cared about her. I kidnapped her because I care about her, because I love her. I wouldn't want a potential wound of hers to go untreated and get infected!

I quickly slipped on my shoes and jacket and hauled the bag on my back and set out looking for her. Y/n didn't have any of those things. That gave me an edge against her, an advantage.


Where. The fuck. Is she.

Where could she have even gone?!

I know these woods like the back of my fucking hand! And it's not like it's big either! It would take maybe what, four hours to travel the whole thing? Maybe six if you didn't know where you were going.

And it's been eight.

Eight fucking hours and I still haven't found a trace of her. What if she's already in the city? I can see her now, cuts from branches covering her arms and legs, the dress she was wearing ripped, sitting in the police station with a blanket wrapped around her telling them everything. My life was already ruined, they just needed to come find me.

I felt my breathing get heavier until it got nearly uncontrollable. I sat down on a nearby rock to try and catch my breath and calm my thoughts. I could try running away? But then I'd only incriminate myself even more, plus the police could already be on their way. I could say she was lying? That would never work. The evidence is all here. Plus, Konoha's dead, so they'd know she's not lying about that.

I felt cornered. Like I had nowhere else to go. But then I remembered:

Y/n has no sense of direction.

She gets lost so easily, even in places that she's been hundreds of times before. She always needs a landmark to go on, a familiar one. The woods are just trees and greenery and the dirt on the ground, all of those things look the same to Y/n. Now Y/n is a fighter, and if surviving means having the cut herself to smear a rock with her blood to make sure she isn't going in a circle, she'll do it. She also didn't have any shoes, so running must've been absolute hell for her.

I jumped up, knowing that if all this was true I could find her. These past eight hours, I've been looking for her. But from now on, I'll be looking for signs of her.


For the past half hour, Y'n's been practically leading me to her, every five minutes I'd past by a rock with a smear of blood on it, an arrow pointing in a specific direction.

This is too easy.

I kept following the arrows, hoping they would lead me to her directly or maybe a base of some sorts. It's only when another half hour passed that I started getting suspicious. These arrows... they were leading me in a circle!

She fucking tricked me!

She knew that I knew and she used that to her advantage!

She knows me too well. I picked up my pace and completely ignored the arrows, going in the opposite direction as them. I kept looking for other signs that she could've left for herself, but all I could find was the arrows. I started to think that maybe the arrows doubled as directions for herself and a trick for me... but how? Could the arrows lead her in the opposite direction that they lead me? No, that's too obvious. Then maybe she came up with a code for them. That the direction the arrow is facing should be rotated either once left or once right... but which way would it be?

I had no real way of knowing if she had chosen left or right, so I went with my gut.


I chose right. And thank God I did too. The angels were smiling down on me. They were on my side.

After I made my decision to mentally rotate each arrow to the right, I found myself getting closer and closer to her, until now, where I was looking at her with my own eyes.

She still looked beautiful, no matter how roughed-up she may have been, she still looked lovely in my eyes.

She was sitting on a rock and examining her foot. I mentally thanked myself for bringing the first aid kit, since she clearly needed it. I slowly started to approach her, making sure I made no sound. Soon I was just a few steps away, just a few steps until Y/n, my Y/n was in my arms once more. She was within reach, just a few more steps and we would've been reunited. I was so close until-




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