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I can't give up on you. I'll make sure you love me too. I'm better than Yoongi and I can prove it. I love you. - Hoseok.

Exactly one year has passed since I had gotten that text from Hoseok and let me just say, absolutely everything has changed.

Now, it's not as bad as I made that sound but at the same time, it definitely is. Where do I even begin...?

Well after that text, Yoongi and I got into a huge fight because he got upset and jealous and took it out on me for no reason.

Of course, the fight didn't last long and he apologized but even a year later, Yoongi is still furious about it all and every time anyone brought up Hoseok he would get upset.

As you could probably guess, the two of them definitely weren't friends anymore and that kind of put a dent on everyone else's friendships. That being because they all use to hang out together and now they could barely speak without Hoseok's name coming up and Yoongi getting annoyed.

Even though I had told Yoongi a million times I love him and that he had nothing to worry about, he was still so afraid.

I knew it was because of the whole Sung-jee situation but he had to realize, I wasn't her and I wouldn't leave him for Hoseok.

I had made a mistake before by sleeping with Hoseok and it would never happen again I could promise you that.

Yet at the same time, I knew Hoseok was a good guy deep down he had just been hurt so badly he turned into a douchebag. Still, It was no excuse for what he had done to his best friend.

I always knew this would be a touchy subject for Yoongi so I never brought it up, even though I knew he was always worried about it. Even still.

That being because Hoseok simply wouldn't give up. He would text me almost daily, trying to 'steal' me away from Yoongi. It got to a point where Yoongi begged me to change my number and I did.

Now it's been exactly a year since that text and even after changing my number, Hoseok was still trying to get in contact with me through the guys.

He was what I would once call, pussy whipped.

I had grown up a lot in the past year and I knew Yoongi was grateful for that too seeing as I use to be very annoying and not to mention, very stupid.

Currently, Yoongi and I have our own apartment and live together. I'm nineteen and he's twenty-one now.

It was still so crazy to me that we had know each other all of our lives and had just started dating a little over a year ago.

The past year had been great besides the whole Hoseok situation. I love Yoongi, I do, but his fear that what once happened would happen again, was starting to put a damper on our relationship.

He was always accusing me of being in touch with Hoseok somehow or another and that really hurt me. It showed me that he didn't trust me and that crushed me inside.

I just wish he understood that this thing with Hoseok was completely one sided and I had no intention of ever being with Hoseok.

All of our lives Yoongi had been super overprotective and would get jealous easily. He still was, more now than ever seeing as we were actually dating now.

Somedays I wished I had never even met Hoseok because then none of this would have happened and Yoongi and I wouldn't have this giant elephant in our relationship.

It sucks but it did happened and there was nothing I could do about it now. I would just have to continue to reassure Yoongi that nothing would ever happen and that we were okay.

"Hey baby." Yoongi says as he appears in our bedroom in his work clothes. He looked drained so I assumed it had been a long day.

He had been picking up extra hours lately to keep himself occupied so he didn't have time to obsess over the Hoseok situation.

It had gotten pretty bad and honestly, that worried me. I wasn't sure why he was so crazy about the situation, but it was a little scary. It was like it was all Yoongi could ever think about and that was definitely hurting us as a couple. Mainly because every time we would started to talk about it to ease his mind, he would end up getting upset and shutting down.

That was the main problem in our relationship and if we couldn't find a way to fix it, I wasn't sure how we could continue on.

I love Yoongi with all of my heart, but it seems by being the way we are right now it's only making things worse on him and that's the last thing I wanted.

"Hey." I say, smiling softly at him as he came over to me and pecked my lips before starting to undo his tie.

"How was your day?" I then ask as I watch him pull his shirt over his head and toss it to the side. His eyes meet mine as he lets out a sigh.

"Okay I suppose. Could have been better." He says as he proceeds to pull off his pants till he's in nothing but his underwear.

"What can I do to help?" I ask as my eyes meet his. Instantly, he grins and I know his mind went to a dirty place that very instant but just as fast as his grin came, it disappeared.

"I just want to sleep, okay?" He says without another word as he crawls into bed, his back facing me.

I let out a small sigh as I stood up and headed to the living room, closing the bedroom door and flipping off the light behind me.

It had been like this for a while now and I knew exactly why. The only reason I did is because Namjoon had told me. Yoongi had confessed to Namjoon that he didn't want to have sex with me because every time he did or got close to doing so, he thought about what Hoseok may have done way back when and it instantly turned him off.

Of course, that seriously hurt my feelings, but I didn't let Yoongi know I knew. I didn't want to upset him more then he already was.

All I know is, if we didn't handle this Hoseok situation now, it would be the end of Yoongi and I.

A/n: New story!!! The long awaited Fuckboy sequel!! I'm gonna let you guys know now this story is pretty short there's only 20 chapters so just a heads up on that! Also chapter 4 is gonna have a somewhat triggering part in it so although I will put a warning in the beginning, If you get triggered easily please just skip that chapter (: I hope you guys are looking forward to this story! Don't forget to comment and vote, it's much appreciated 🫶🏻
Also thank you for 25.9k followers I love you all❤️

ONCE A FUCKBOY, ALWAYS A FUCKBOY || MYG & JH✔️Where stories live. Discover now