The door opened but Higgs didn't pay attention to it. He was trying to keep his mind at peace by only dealing with the devil when the devil appeared. Worrying about it would only cause more problems and it was hard enough keeping himself strong.

"Higgs? Can you hear me?"

Odd... Elizabeth almost sounds like a man...

"Higgs? Are you still here?" Still here? He felt someone touch him softly. "Dear God, what has she done to you?"

Wait... Higgs flicked his eyes towards where he felt a hand on his cheek. He was surprised to find a young man instead of Elizabeth but he looked a little familiar to him. Seeing Higgs make eye contact with him made the man smile, happiness filling his eyes.

"Thank goodness! I thought you had removed yourself from reality completely. I know you probably don't remember me since we aren't closely related but I'm Pixus Gravehilde-Northumberly." A Northumberly? "We met once a long time ago as children but I'm not here for that! I wasn't able to hear everything, but from what I did hear, something bad has happened here. I also know that you have been fed lies. No one has stopped looking for you and everyone is so worried about you. I know it doesn't seem like much when things are so bleak, but please don't give up on your family. We are doing everything we can to rescue you."

"I don't believe you." He said, his voice hoarse. "Elizabeth said no one was coming."

Pixus made a face at that but from what little he could here, he guessed this response was to be expected. He grabbed Higgs' hand and held it to his chest, making Higgs look at him.

"Believe what you want, but I'm telling you that your family is coming to get you. There have been some roadblocks that have made it difficult, but seeing as you are now, I will be able to confirm a lot of things and then they will come and take you come."

"My home is here."

"No it isn't. Your home is with your family and that Merida lady."

Higgs shook his head a little. "My home is here. No one is ever coming, especially Merida... She..." He started shaking a little. "She abandoned me here."

"That's not true at all."

"Elizabeth said so..." he whispered, silent tears falling down his face as he looked at Pixus. "Elizabeth is always right."

Pixus realized that Higgs had been partially brainwashed, or rather, manipulated. This Elizabeth woman had trained him to not question her actions or most likely a bad consequence would happen but the tears he shed showed that there was a small part of him that didn't believe it. The tears were a symbol of the hope he had most likely locked away to keep from being hurt even more. Pixus realized that whatever legalities his family was trying to overcome needed to be long forgotten, because if his cousin stayed in this hell hole any longer, they would be rescuing a shell rather than a person.

A noise made Pixus turn swiftly and he realized Elizabeth was coming. He touched Higgs' face again and made him look at him.

"I have to go. Elizabeth is coming back. What I told you was the truth, Higgs. Our family is going to get you out here and you won't have to stay here any longer. Don't give up hope on us. Don't give up on the people who truly love you."

The doorknob turned and Pixus rolled over the bed to the other side of the room where it was mostly dark. Once the door was open, Higgs watched Pixus fly up to the ceiling and then swooped out behind Elizabeth.

"What are you doing?"

"Waiting for you." He said stoically.

"I could have sworn I heard someone else in here."

To Love A Myth - Book 2: Mr. Higgs and the Lady 🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now