Baldorian wiped his forehead from sweat as he sat back on his knees. He missed this, the quiet and serenity of not having his wife and daughter around. He hated Sylvia with the passion of a thousand suns but he was forced to marry her just like every other Northumberly before him. He would have been perfectly satisfied being a recluse until the dreaded time when he would feel the need to be with a lady and if that lady so happened to sire him a son and didn't want him, he would have been perfectly fine caring for it all his own. Unfortunately, Radek's mother was complete trash and what he did to Aislinn was... unforgivable. By the time he started taking his offspring's feelings into consideration he had already destroyed his first two son's lives and had had two daughters with Sylvia. By the time Sylvia had gotten pregnant with Jamison, Baldorian realized that he had made the most horrible and tragic mistake of his life: messing with Aislinn Shallmore.

Talk about a woman of caliber... When he learned about her death and had to take in Radek and Kannaset, he realized how much of a cad he had been to that sweet woman. She wanted so badly to cure him, to love him... and he just fucked with her mind until she was left with the guilt that he should have had. When Radek went off on him and how he had to watch Aislinn wallow in utter guilt, feeling as if she didn't give enough of herself to change his mind, how she had failed Kans, he passed it off as something passing. But as he watched Sylvia and Velvet treat that sweet boy like he was lower than the dirt, how Radek would protect him no matter what, how even Phabyl could see the good in him... Jami the most. Jamison loved Kans as if he were his father. When he found out what had transpired between Baldorian and Aislinn, he had a resentment that Baldorian just couldn't mend.

If he could take it all back, go back in time and at least not have led her along like he did, then there was a possibility that Kans would have had the normal amount of myths. If he had allowed himself to love her, then there may have even been a high chance that Jami would have been normal, which meant that Higgs would have been normal and no one would have had to go through this pain.

"Father?" Baldorian looked up, finding Kans in a cloak. "What are you doing?"

"I just breaking up the soil along the walls. I got some Christmas rose seeds and thought it might liven up the mansion a bit... Make it seem... welcoming..." he faltered, not used to talking about his secret hobby.

"I wasn't aware you liked flowers." Kans said, no patronization in his voice, just genuine curiosity.

"Well, Sylvia finds it repulsive that a lord gets on his hands and knees and tills the land like a lowly landscaper, getting dirty and filthy."

"It doesn't really take much for her to be repulsed."

"That's true..."

"I noticed you've been out here most of the time, so I wanted to make sure you were alright."

"I'm using this time to get away from Sylvia and Velvet and try to help as much as I can. I know the Scotswoman isn't in the best bill of health with the pregnancy and all and everyone who can is out trying to help with Higgs so... I thought I'd try to help around here and there."

"I see..."

"I don't make a bit of sense, do I?"

"Not really."

"Sit for a moment."

Kans knelt down beside his father, taking off the cloak hood since it was cloudy and he had on the ring to keep from completely bursting into flames. They were quiet for a moment as Baldorian wondered if he should plant the Christmas roses all around the house or if he should break up the flowers with Christmas roses in the front and pansies or maybe even heather on the sides. The silence was making Kans a little uncomfortable and he fidgeted with his ring.

To Love A Myth - Book 2: Mr. Higgs and the Lady 🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now