Blending In (2nd Chapter)

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As Monty rested in the motel until night, he saw blue and red lights outside, he went to the window to check it out, when he saw there was 2 cops checking in the rooms, he quickly got out of the windows view, he quickly took his bag and his stuff, there was a knock on the door, he panicked and quickly jumped out the window he landed boots thumping in the side walk and ran

Citizens confused staring as he ran, cops quickly spotted him, but atleast even if he was spotted the gap between them is big, if he was caught earlier at the motel, it would have been hard to escape  he turned around a corner and put on his hood

As he ran a cop came out of the ally and blocked Monty pointing a gun at him "gotcha" a tiger said, "ON THE GROUND" he yelled, "ON THE GROUND OR ILL SHOOT", Monty stood there legs and arms lightly spreaded a stance ready to run or fight, can he fight this tiger?, he is metal afterall, but the tiger was muscular and the same size as him, he was running out of time to decide "I SAID ON TH-" the tiger got cut off with a rock thrown to his head, Monty stood there shocked, it didn't kill him, but it knocked him out, he looked at the roof where the rock came from, the man in a coat stood at the apartment roof, who the hell is this man, the hood kept shadowing the man's face, he couldn't get a clear view, he lend down the emergency ladder for apartments once again for him to escape

he realised he was wasting time, he went to the ladder, once he got up the cops didn't know where he was and scattered, he stood up looking at the man in the Coat with the hood who was already across another roof,

Monty took his hood off and asked "who are you? And why are you helping me?" Monty asked, the man's eyes glowed, it was Royal Blue, the eyes narrowed and he ran  coat swaying with the wind, Monty didn't bother chasing him, the man looked more experienced than him

"where can i stay in now" monty said in his thoughts, he saw an old parking lot with lots of old cars in it, like really old probably from 2016 judging from the looks and designs,

He checked every single one, it looked like it wasn't used for a long time, well he could stay here for the night, he unlocked it and went in, closing the door after, "life really is hard out here, but its better than dying in that damn pizzeria" Monty said in his thoughts

He thought about the man in a coat again, the eyes glowed, its not normal for people's eyes to glow, he closed his eyes and sleep resting his system

The next morning, someone knocked on the window, it caused Monty to wake up, and look at the person, it was an old goat "hi young man your kinda in my home..." the old man said, "oh im sorry didn't know it was yours" Monty said as he got out of the car, "its fine, it's the life of us poor people, we sleep randomly everywhere and make it our home ourselves" the old man said, "I've got to get going, good luck sir" Monty spoke

As he walked in the side walk, the fancy city where he was before was 1 ride away again, did he really run this far, but he's still chicago tho, so this is downtown?, he stood there tilting his head in confusion until suddenly some thugs bumped into him

"hey watch it idiot" the stranger yelled as he pinned Monty to the wall hands gripped on Monty's neck, Monty opened his eyes and saw their faces, it was some rhino, a Crocodile, a panda, and a Doberman dog, "im really sorry-" Monty got cut off as the rhino tightened his grip on his neck, "listen here little shit, i dont know who you are or if your from the topcity but down here in the undercity, thugs like us owns the place to dont go blocking our way, better avoid us and run with your tail between your legs" the rhino spoke, as his friends laugh, "i-m... Sor-sorry i didnt knoww.. Im new here m..." Monty choked, the rhino freed the gators neck from his grasp, leaving the Gator on the ground choking, voice box still adjusting,

The rhino and scoffed and walked away with his group, "fucking shits..." Monty whispered as he recovered and got up, he didn't like it here in the under city, so he walked all the way to the topcity, when he got there it was already afternoon, he didn't really fit in with the topcity people judging from his clothes, but he didn't care he still walked amongst them, he did enjoy exploring the topcity, the places he explored still wasn't half of top city, it really is a big city

He noticed the man in coat again, he didn't know why he was being followed by this stranger, he rested for a bit sitting over a bench in the park, then a pretty rabbit sat next to him, "hey there stranger" the woman said, "uh... Hi???" monty replied, "im guessing your new here?" the woman asked, Monty replied with a nod, the woman talked and talked things about her, Monty was curious why the stranger suddenly sat next to him and randomly shared stuff about her, "do you have a phone?" the woman asked, Monty shook his head, and the woman sighed, "you know your the 1st person who's actually nice to me eversince i got here" Monty spoke, the woman looked at him "yeah well there are rules here if your wondering why most of the people are rude" the rabbit spoke, Monty tilted his head in confusion waiting for an answer, "preys and predators here are complicated, especially predators they're kinda despised here in topcity concidering they're dangerous, so most of the predators live in the the undercity, that's where they can be themselves and feel like they can rule over stuff, though there are only few predators that live here in the top city, so preys are kinda superiors here in topcity" the rabbit spoke, monty learned a new information, "my 1st day here in topcity i accidentally bumped into a cop pig(prey) i tried saying sorry but they wouldn't listen, now I know why... because they despise predators" Monty spoke, "yeah so goodluck out here big guy, but you look nice and looks like one with self control, so you'll be fine" the rabbit spoke as she got up, they said bye to eachother with a wave

Monty learned many things here in the outside world on his 2nd day, its a great way to blend in for starters,

he heard officers asking people around him about a run away robot gator, he immediately got up and walked away, they were still hunting him down, it was night and he has to get some rest, police are checking every motel so that's out of the option, police are scattered in the park so he can't rest on the benches so thats also out of the option, "fuck i cant think of anything" he whispered, he had no choice but to rest in an alleyway between the tall towers, he sat beside the Dumpster to hide his self from people's view on the ally,

He didn't regret escaping the PizzaPlex, but he now know the consequences of his actions and had to deal with it, he closed his eyes and rested,

the man in coat walked towards the sleeping Gator and stood infront of him, he picked him up carrying him bridal style, concidering he's resting and his system is probably tired, so he won't wake up that easily, he walked away from the Alley, but he was careful with his walk, he still wanted the gators sleep to be peaceful, who is this man.


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