Moving (11th Chapter)

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The 5 ran all the way to the wall again, "still got the Hook and Rope?" Freddy asked running, "y-yeah it's here in my backpack" Monty replied, "good" freddy spoke looking forward, the run took about 30 minutes, they crouched by a Bush meters away from the wall, "damn it, the police are here" Bonnie spoke, "what do we do" Monty asked, freddy quickly thought of a way, and it clicked, "ill try and be a distraction, while you guys throw the rope and climb, once all 4 of you have climbed ill climb next" freddy spoke, the others nodded and separated, freddy went deep onto the forest, and yelled "Hey fuckers im right here", the cops went to the forest immediately searching for him, behind trees, up in the branches, everywhere, freddy is gonna have a hard time, but hey he's been through worse,

The other 4 ran to the wall as the cops lessen to go to the forest, Monty quickly threw the Hook until it hit something, he pulled it to make sure, "alright chica first, roxy next, Bonnie next and I'll go last" Monty spoke, chica climbed the rope as fast as she can it was successful, same goes for roxy, "Bonnie go" Monty said in a low voice, "no you go, i can fight this cops incase we get caught, so you have to go" Bonnie spoke, Monty hesitated but gave in, he climbed the rope fast,

Freddy went out from under a fallen tree, he peered through the top of the tree and saw multiple cops, he saw an opening and went for it, it was going smoothly until he stepped in a branch, the cops immediately turned their head and saw freddy, they charged at him as freddy ran faster, he went to the rope, he saw Bonnie standing there "BONNIE GO" freddy yelled as he ran towards him, "GO FREDDY CLIMB UP HURRY ILL DEAL WITH THEM" Bonnie yelled, freddy didn't want to but he trust Bonnie so he climbed up, he got to the top and called Bonnie, Bonnie was finisher putting down 1 cop, and climbed the rope, halfway a cop grabbed his foot and hanged on, he stabbed Bonnie's leg and few oils gushing out, Bonnie yelled and kicked off the cops hand off his foot, the cop fell and he continued to clim, he was slow this time due to his injured leg, Another cop shot his shoulder, Bonnie couldn't climb up anymore, he was stuck there halfway in the rope "BONNIE COME ON PLEASE" freddy and chica yelled, Bonnie knew it was useless at this point, "Goodluck superstars" he spoke in a low voice, Freddy widened his eyes but before he could react or say anything, Bonnie cutted off the rope causing him to fall, everything went slow motion for him, he closed his eyes and smiled, he fell to the ground fogs of dust covering his body,

"NO" freddy yelled, "BONNIE" chica yelled also, "freddy we have to go" monty spoke as he pulled Freddy's arm, roxy pulling chica too, "n-no but Bonnie" chica spoke, "he's gone chica I'm sorry" roxy said, freddy was crying as Monty pulled him away from the ledge's view so cops can't shoot him "freddy i know he was an important person to you but please we have to go" Monty pleaded as he had a hard time pulling freddy resisting to be pulled and attempting to crawl his way to Bonnie, "Roxy chica go down and start the car we used, ill talk freddy down" Monty spoke, while the other 2 went down with chica on tears

Monty crouched beside freddy and cupped his cheeks, "Freddy look i know freddy is gone, but we have to go so his death won't be in vain, please" Monty spoke ad he forced Freddy's face to looks up to him, "freddy please" Monty said looking onto Freddy's sad eyes, freddy forced his self up still upset,

Monty let freddy get down first, before him, once freddy got down successfully, Monty did too, Monty guided freddy to the car seat beside chica, and closed the door, Roxy and Monty sat at the drivers seat and passenger seat, "FUCK THE SEAT IS BURNING THE SCALES OFF ME" Monty yelled as he jumped from the Leather Seat's heat,

Roxy started the Car and turned on the Air conditioner, it took a few minutes before the aircon adjusted from heat to cold, "there better" Monty spoke, "its a 22 hour ride so you guys can rest if you want" roxy spoke, "freddy chica you guys can rest, and you know... Process" monty spoke as he looked at the 2,

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