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I guess you're probably expecting me to like...show you my world I live in. it's actually usually blank. Like a page, waiting for someone to write on it. Or to be crumpled up, or even turned to origami. My world is full of opportunity. But when a reader shows up, and opens this book, well I gain the power to make the reader happy, through changing this world. Oh! Like one time, I met a reader, who loved castles and elves. So I turned myself into an elf prince and made an intense plot with love, drama, and lots of castles.

But yeah.


(if you mentioned something about Loneliness)

Lonely? Well, sometimes, but mostly bored. I don't have any of those powers without a reader. So I just sit in silence. Waiting...

(if you mentioned something about the last reader)

Yeah, she was very young, and loved to read lots of books from Lord of the Rings, to Harry Potter. It was always about magic and elves, and Castles. So. many. castles. So, in order to make them happy, I turned myself into a long haired elf with hair the color of the moon, and two yellow eyes, sharp enough to cut. And when our adventure finished, she closed the book, and went off to a new book. And I never heard from her again... and my world went to a white page again.

Anyway! I told you what my world is like. With its emptiness and all. What about you? I've never even seen the reader's world. What's it like?


(if you said good stuff about the world)

Oh! That's so much funner than staying in an empty white room! Now I want to go to your world. There's so much more to do then just waiting...

(if you said bad things about the world)

Oh. Well, worlds always have rough patches. That's just how you know the world around you is still human. I'm sure the world will get better soon.

(if you said anything similar to "meh")

Just meh? I guess even you have mixed signals on your world.

Maybe, just maybe, I can make the world you know, into this world. Like kind of like a replica. Or would you prefer a fantasy world that is much more wild, and adventurous? Or possibly something else. What'd you say?

Keep it as is           City/Town                 Fantasy World                       Something else:____________

(If you're changing it)

Oh! I like the choice, it seems unique. Kind of like you (Your Name). (Rio sparks light blue light from their hands and quickly slams it down on the white tile ground. As soon as they do, the ground cracks, sprouting waves of buildings, Lakes, and people/Animals. Until soon, the world is a land, only found in your dreams. You spot Rio laying in a nearby field, playing with purple flowers, and resting his head in nearby grass.)

(if you're keeping it as is)

Huh, I've never met someone who doesn't mind the void. You're very interesting (your name). But...if you want the blank room, I don't mind it at all. (Rio lets out a small sigh and lies on the tile covered ground)

What do you think?


(If you like it)

I'm glad you do. It's good to have a place you enjoy. And me? I'm just happy I'm out of the void.

(If you don't like it)

Oh, ok then... Well, do you prefer the white void? I could always change it back if you want.

No Yes

(if yes, read the if changing it section)

(if you never changed it)

This cold chill, it's nice, don't you think? Like a cool breeze on a hot summer day. To me, it's a normal, everyday thing. But I guess normal can be enjoyable too.

No matter where we are (Your name). Whether it be a city of people or a valley full of flowers. I'm just happy I'm here with you. When you're waiting for a reader to show up, you just have to sit here, waiting for someone to show up. Trust me, that gets super boring.

So, uh, thanks for reading this.

Wait, what's your favorite color? I want to make you something!


That's a nice color. Ok, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks (your name)! 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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