-I'm Bi, or at least I think I am-

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A/N - I tired writing this chapter in a different way. (Third person I think?) I think Imma keep doing second person or whatever it is tho, Idk if I like it this way.

Shinsou's POV

"Mina, I need to talk with you." Shinsou said. Before she could answer, he took her by the arm and lead her to a quiet hallway. "Are you alright Shinsou?" Mina asked as he lead her. "Yeah, I just don't want anyone else hearing about this." He stopped and let go of her arm, standing awkwardly against the wall. "Well?" She prompted when he'd not said a word for a few seconds. "What is Denki's sexuality? I know this may seem random, and odd, but I figured you'd be the best person to ask." Shinsou rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding Mina's eyes. "I don't know his sexuality, I only know of one person he's liked to be honest." She quickly continued with, "You like him, don't you?" Shinsou mumbled a quiet yes. "If you want I can find out for you. He's one of my best friends." She paused, looking for her phone. "I'm sure I can figure it out." Shinsou said a shy thanks, and walked away before she could ask or say anything more. 'I hope she doesn't say anything about me to him...' Nervous thoughts rushed through his brain as he walked towards the cafeteria. "Yo! Shin!" Denki quickly walked over to him and put his arm around Shinsou's shoulders. "After school, do you want to come play video games with the squad?" Shinsou thought about it, deciding he would and said, "Sure." "Cool!" Denki said, and he removed his arm from Shinsou's shoulders, and went to sit next to Sero at the table.
Later, in the evening, Shinsou walked up to Denki's dorm room, and knocked on the door. "Took you long enough!" Denki said as he opened the door, and dragged Shinsou inside. Shinsou laughed and said, "I'm clearly the first one here, dumbass." Denki rolled his eyes, sat down on his bed, and grabbed two controllers. "Still took you ages to get here." He held up one of the controllers for Shinsou to take, which he did. They played a round of Mario Kart before the others arrived, and once they did, Denki had to sit in Shinsou's lap, Kirishima sat in Bakugou's lap, and Mina sat on the floor, with Sero in Denki's desk chair. Sero didn't want to be on the bed with them, and Mina wanted the floor for some odd reason. Well, odd to Shinsou, but unbeknownst to him, she just wanted the gays to share the bed. After a few rounds on Mario Kart, and Shinkami beating the hell out of the others, Bakugou not so nicely requested they play a different game. They ended up playing some random game that Shinsou had no clue what it was called, but he was having fun so he didn't care. "Well that was fun." Kirishima said, handing his controller over to Denki. "Hell yeah!" Sero said. "I'm going back to my room so I can sleep." Bakugou said, grabbing Kirishima's arm and pulling him along. "I guess we're going now... Bye guys!" He shouted as they exited the room. "I'm pretty tired too." Mina said with a yawn. Her and Sero left, saying brief goodbyes as they left. "Welp... It's just us huh." Denki said. Shinsou nodded. "You wanna sleep here?" Shinsou could feel his face get warm. "Uhm... Sure..." 'Why am I so nervous now!?' Shinsou asked himself. 'Denki was literally in my lap and I wasn't nervous at all!' Denki went to his closet to grab PJs, and he threw a pair at Shinsou. "You can sleep in these. I hope they fit." He then walked into his bathroom to change. Shinsou quickly changed into the ones Denki gave him and got onto the bed. "It's odd how I can smell him from behind the door." Shinsou whispered. "What was that?" Denki asked. "Oh- Uh.. Nothing, just thinking..." Shinsou turned on his side, back facing Denki. "Alright then..." Silence... "Well, good night Shin." Denki said as he climbed onto the bed, and pulled the blanket over the both of them. "Good night."

(The next morning)

Denki's POV

Denki slowly woke to a hand running through his hair. He didn't open his eyes, but he could tell he was snuggled up to someone. He heard a sigh, and then the hand was gone, and he felt Shinsou turn over so his back was facing Denki. 'Awwww, I was enjoying that.' Denki thought. People didn't usually play with his hair since his hair was staticky and would shock people sometimes. Denki was about to ask Shinsou if he could keep playing with his hair, when he heard Shinsou's stomach growl. "Shit." He said. "Are you hungry?" Denki asked. Shinsou seemed to jump at his voice. He turned around quickly and said, "Did I wake you? Sorry..." Denki shook his head, and grabbed Shinsou's hand, putting it on his head. "Nah, I woke up myself... Well sorta..." Shinsou started to play with Denki's hair again, and he gave a small smile to Denki. "I am a bit hungry... But I should be fine." Denki shook his head again. "If you're hungry, feel free to drink my blood... I mean, I really don't mind." He didn't mind, but he started thinking back to the few times he'd let Shinsou drink his blood, and then he couldn't stop. Shinsou was silent for a second, but then he said, "Are you sure?" Denki shook his head yes, and sat up, Shinsou's hand falling from his hair. Shinsou followed him, and sat up as well. "Does my blood really taste good?" He asked. Shinsou wouldn't look him in the eyes, but he hummed a yes. Denki tilted his head so Shinsou could get to his neck, and he said, "Go ahead." Shinsou leaned over, and bit Denki's neck, drinking his blood. But this time, Denki couldn't help but blush. 'My face is so hot...' He thought. "Thank you." Shinsou said when he was done. An awkward silence fell between them. Both were now blushing, and looking away from each other. "Do you- Do you want to go get some coffee?" Shinsou asked, finally breaking the silence. "Y-yeah." They both stood up, and seperated to get dressed. 
Shinsou lead Denki to a coffee shop just off the UA campus. "This place has good coffee. And cats." He had said. Once they had arrived, they sat down at a table, and waited for a waiter. Shinsou picked up a tabby cat, and started stroking its soft fur. "Aw! She likes you!" Denki said, reaching over to pet the cat as well. The cat sniffed his hand, and let him pet it. "She seems to like you too." Shinsou said, smiling. "You really should smile more often." Denki said quietly. When he sat back in his seat, done petting the cat, he noticed that Shinsou's face was pink. Denki could feel his face start to get warm as well. "Hi Shinsou! What can I get for you and your friend?" Shinsou ordered a coffee and the waiter gestured to Denki. "And for you sir?" "I'll just have what he's having." The girl smiled and said, "Alright. Anything else?" They both shook their heads, and she walked away. "You know her?" Denki asked. "Yeah. I come here a lot, and she's usually my waiter, so we've gotten to know each other a bit." The explanation was very obviously the truth... but Denki couldn't help but feel... jealous? "Do you like her?" He asked out of the blue. Shinsou looked shocked, but his face quickly turned neutral again. "No. I'm gay... so uh... yeah." Denki's eyes widened. "You are?" Shinsou wouldn't look at him. "There's nothing wrong with that you know." Denki quickly said. "I- I mean, I'm Bi. Or at least I think I am..." Shinsou's expression was unrecognisable, but he looked almost relieved. "That's- That's cool." He awkwardly said. The rest of their coffee date went a bit awkwardly, but afterwards, Denki felt really happy. He was now fully sure he liked Shinsou, but he still wasn't exactly sure of his sexuality. But if there was one thing he was completely sure of, it was that he liked hanging out with the vampire. 

Shinsou's POV

"Hey Mina." Shinsou greated. He had called her asking to talk to her. "Hey Shinsou! What did you want to talk about?" Shinsou rubbed the back of his neck. "Well... Uhm... I found out Denki's sexuality..." Mina visibly bounced on her feet. "You did!?" Shinsou nodded. "He told me himself... after I told him I was gay..." Mina grabbed Shinsou's shoulders and bounced up and down. "That's awesome! Did you tell him you like him yet?" Shinsou shook his head. "No." Mina frowned. "Really? Come on. You gotta tell him you like him." Shinsou shook off Mina and shrunk a bit. "I uh... I'm not ready to tell him... If he doesn't like me-" "Want me to find out if he likes you?" She asked, smiling again. Shinsou was silent, thinking for a minute. "Sure..." Mina squealed, and jumped. "Alright. I'll text you when I find out." Shinsou smiled, and thanked Mina. She smiled as well, and skipped off. "I hope he likes me..." Shinsou whispered as he turned and walked away.

A/N - Hey guys! So I haven't felt like writing in a while. I've wanted to finish this book for a while, but I've had no motivation, and I've been procrastinating like, a lot. But I've finally finished this chapter (It's been in draft form for a while lol) Anywho, It's going to take a while for the rest to be written, but once it's done I'll try and work on some of my other books. Btw, I reeeeeaaally want to write a Shindeku book... But I have other stuff to finish and I don't even know if you guys would like it... So uh, give me your opinions if you can. Thx for reading, sorry for the wait <3

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