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Elizabeth made sure she woke up early the next day. She wasn't sure if Namjoon meant morning or night when he told her that he would be at her house at 9. She decided to text him and see. She pulled out her phone and texted Namjoon.

'Good Morning. Sorry to disturb you so early but did you mean 9am or 9pm', She sent the text. She took her phone to the restroom and washed her face as she waited for his message.

'Gm Pm.', Namjoon replied.

Elizabeth opened her phone and saw the text. She waited a minute or two. She thought it was strange that that was all he texted. Just letters, not full words. Elizabeth felt quite disappointed since she believed that he would have texted something more, but she left that as is and just assumed he might be too busy.

Elizabeth walked out the restroom and decided to sleep in a little bit more since she had nothing to do till 9pm.

Elizabeth woke up around 2. She regretted sleeping in since she knew her mom would scold her for sleeping in. Elizabeth got off her bed and went downstairs to eat a very late breakfast. To her surprise she didn't see her mom yet. She went into the kitchen and made herself a bowl of cereal and went to the living room to watch some T.V.

Elizabeth sat down and turned on the T.V. to a cartoon channel and ate her cereal. It was around 3 and she had finished her cereal and decided to put away her bowl before her mom yelled at her. She thought it was still weird that her mom was nowhere to be seen. She decided to call her and see where she was.

"Elizabeth, is everything okay?", her mom questioned, her voice beginning to sound worried.

"Yeah, just in the kitchen. Where are you?", Elizabeth said as she put her now clean bowl into the cupboard.

"Just went grocery shopping, I'll be home in an hour. Do you need anything?", Her mom said as Elizabeth walked back to the living room.

"Can you buy a drink and chips if that's okay", Elizabeth said as she plopped herself down on the sofa and scrolled through the channels.

"Alright, See you later", Her mom hung up and Elizabeth continued to scroll through the channels.

She might have dozed off or just got really into the show she was watching but before she knew it her mom was already home with groceries and her snacks. Elizabeth got up and helped her mom with the groceries.

"So, Namjoon called me when I was out", Elizabeth's mom said, causing Elizabeth to quickly face her mom.

"Did he need anything", Elizabeth said trying not to sound in some way scared.

"He just told me that if he could take you out today", her mom said as she put away some vegetables in the fridge.

"Really? That's so weird", Elizabeth tries playing it off as if she didn't already know he wanted to take her out but she didn't expect him to call her mom.

"You should go, you haven't really been out on dates lately and I think he is a sweet guy. I mean why didn't you tell me you knew him for a year already", her mom said as she looked at Elizabeth with pure joy.

Elizabeth couldn't believe that Namjoon had lied to her mom just so she can go with him to where knows where. All Elizabeth could do was strung and give her mom a smile.

"Oh come on, here let me put these things away and you go talk to him and later tell me where he wants to take you - I'm glad someone else cares for you", with that her mom kissed Elizabeth on her temple and nudged her out the kitchen.

Elizabeth quickly went to her room. She shut the door behind her and went to sit on her bed. She opened her phone and went to text Namjoon.

'Why did you lie to my mom', she sent the text unsure if he would answer or just leave her on read or would just call her instead.

'Only way for your mom to let you out', He replied not a second later.

'At least text me before you say anything. I was left there speechless', Elizabeth sighed as she sent the text. It felt wrong to start an argument with someone who you don't know like that.

'Will do, what will you be wearing?', Elizabeth giggles at the text Namjoon sent.

'Some jeans and a T-shirt. Why', Elizabeth sent wondering why Namjoon would care.

'I'll pick you up around 6 instead', Namjoon sent.

Elizabeth looked at her phone shocked and looked at the time. She only had an hour to get ready. She shot up from her bed and went to her closet. She grabbed a pair of black, slightly ripped mom jeans. She looked at her shirts and decided to go with a dark green T-shirt. She went to the restroom and combed out her hair. She put it in a half up and half down situation. Since Elizabeth's hair wasn't long enough to put in a ponytail without looking weird she always went for half up and half down.

She grabbed a pair of shoes that were a worn down green. She went downstairs and as she did she got a call from Namjoon.

"Hello", She said as she put her phone on speaker so she could tie her shoes at the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm here", Namjoon said from the other side of the phone.

"Okay stepping out now", Elizabeth said and hung up.

"Mom, I'm leaving now bye!" Elizabeth yelled from the door and stepped out.

Elizabeth walked up to Namjoon's car and opened the passenger door. She slid in and put her belt on.

"Is this what you were going to wear", Namjoon said as he eyed Elizabeth down.

"Well no, but I only had an hour so i just threw this on", Elizabeth said starting to regret agreeing to meet up with this man.

"Don't worry I'll buy you something and make sure you look nice", Namjoon said while driving out of Elizabeth's neighborhood. Elizabeth just nodded and looked outside the window.

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