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"I am doll parts, bad skin, doll heart." I sing along with my phone. I'm listening to doll parts by hole. (Courtney Love is a fucking asshole)

I drag the cigarette out of my mouth while, having a hand on the wheel of my car.

It's been 5 months ever since, Gotham when to shit because of Edward. I didn't go back to the pile of shit, especially because I'm wanted there.  Thankfully, I've moved across the country and they have no tabs on me.

I should have never gotten with Edward. He was the reason all of this happened. Oh don't get me wrong! What he did was correct but, he failed. Batman is now the hero of the city. As if.

He treated me like shit too. He would yell at me constantly, threaten me, and ignore me for sometimes days on end. Apparently, it was all apart of his "big plan" but I don't think so. He was a piece of abusive shit. I cant believe I even liked that asshole! I mean he is cute and he was and still is my idol, but that doesn't mean shit!

I park my car outside of my local bar. I moved Washington, to a town right outside of Seattle. I wanted to get as far away from Gotham as I could, and so I did.

I walk into the bar and sit down.

"Hey, Rick! Can I get a Jack on the Rocks? Like how I always get it? But you can't seem to remember even though I come here like 4 times a week?" I yell at the bartender.

"I'm Sorry Y/N! I have lots of people come in here!" He says while walking over to me.

"Like who? This place is always dead! I mean we might be like 15 minutes away from Seattle but that doesn't mean fucking Pearl Jam and Soundgarden are gonna walk in here with all their fans! This place is dead and you just have a bad memory!" I laugh while sliding him a 20.

He sighs and starts to pour me a cup of Jack Daniels.

"You know, you dont have to be so mean! Just because your from Gotham, doesn't change anything! I know the people over there are rude but that doesn't mean you have to keep your old ways!" He places down my drink and sighs.

I roll my eyes and start to take a sip of my drink. I look over to the left of me, to see a couple of older, ugly, smelly, drunk dudes staring at me like I'm a piece of meat. I roll my eyes and go back to drinking my whiskey.

"Hello, sweetheart. Can I ask you a question?" One of the dudes from earlier says in my ear. I can smell his disgusting shit smelling breath from here.

"If it's how to fix your ugly fucking face, I'll show you." I say just before I turn around and sock him in the face.

"WHAT THE FUCK LADY? WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?" He says while holding on to his nose.

"Oh, nothing really. I just don't like it when people look at me like I'm a sex doll. I'm really sorry sir, but you gotta learn your place. See I'm way to hot for you, and your wayyyyyy to ugly for me. So, am I clear or am I gonna have to explain it again?" I say smiling, ready to punch him again.

"Ok! Ok! I'll leave you alone! I promise! Me and my buddies, we will never talk to you again!" He says starting to back away.

"Thank you!" I sing, while sipping my drink.

"Y/N. If you do that one more time, I will call the cops cause that is assault!" The bartender, Rick, says. He says that every time, but I know he is rooting for me even, if I'm extremely mean to him.

"Fine, Fine! I'll stop!" I sigh, rubbing my temples.

"Good, because if you keep doing this you will go to jail! I've been to jail before! It wasn't fun! Hey, did you say that your boyfriend, back in Gotham, is in jail?" Rick asked.

"He's not my Boyfriend anymore, and yes, he is, he killed a whole bunch of people. I mean technically he isn't in jail, he is in Arkham but, same difference." I yawn.

"You dated a crazy person? Oh well, that actually explains a lot." He laughs and pours me another drink.

"Shut up!" I laugh, smiling a tiny bit.

Rick, the bartender, is probably a couple years younger than me. He has black hair, green eyes, and is about 5'11 to 6'1. He is actually one of the only people I like in this god forbidden town. Now this town is better than Gotham though! I hate Gotham way more. Too many bad memories.

"So, what is your exes name?" He asks.

"If I told you that, I would probably get arrested. I mean if you search up my name you might find him but it is very unlikely, the cops wanna keep my identity a secret." I sigh while looking at my phone.

"JUST TELL ME!!! I promise I won't tell anyone!" He whines.



*Ring, Ring*

"Oh shit, the phone. I'll be back let me go get it!" He says while running over to the Bar phone.

I look down at my phone, and click on Instagram. I look at all my old friends posts. I mean I didn't have many but I followed a lot of friends of friends on insta. They were all so happy, while my life is literally going to shit. Drinking problem, low paying job, mental illness, trauma, and now I crave a place of belonging. I never felt like I fit in anywhere, but Gotham is where I felt fix in the most. I long so many things, like love and happiness, or money and belonging. I want to be apart of something bigger than all of us.

FROM ARKHAM ASYLUM!" Rick yells at me.

Rick passes me the phone and goes back behind the bar.

"Hello?" I ask confused.

"Who is this?"  I ask.

"Who is this?" I ask again.

The speaker is breathing in the mic very loudly.

"hello?" I ask one more time before he responds.

"Hello, Y/N."




Word count: 1116

Word count: 1116

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