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We stayed like this for awhile. He acts all scary and tough but, once you get to know him, he becomes this sad, traumatized, person.

I would look up once in a while, to see his goons. Some acted like I wasn't there, some seemed happy for him, the rest seemed angered that I was his vulnerability.

He just burrowed his head into my shoulder, gripping onto me, almost making me have to keep him up. I think he was silently sobbing, but he might have just been happy. Or maybe both.

I just kept sobbing loudly into his shoulder. Snot was running down my nose like a river. My face was red and burning. Screams, almost, come from my lips. I haven't cried like this ever since, Edward got arrested.

He was greatly traumatized, that I could tell from the beginning, but it was way more deeper than that. He was fulled to the brim with hatred, and disgust. He was letting it all out, through his work and now, here.

After about 20 minutes, I pull my head up and wipe my snot off my face with my sleeve. I slowly let go of him, and he sighs. He lets go of me. I look at his face, it's all scrunched up, and stained from tears. I smile a bit, in happiness.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, I think so." He laughs quietly.

I stare at his eyes. They aren't as harsh and cold as they usually are. They are shiny and kind. He brings his hands up to my face and comes closer to my face.

"Oh! Uh- Sorry... Can I kiss you?" He remembers and lets go of my face.

"Dude. You can kiss me whenever you want." I smile. I quickly go up to his face, and give him a peck on the cheek. He blushes like a tomato, trying to find words. This is the Edward I know. 

Then I realize, that I'm not in a apartment or in a nice restaurant. I'm in a fucking burnt down orphanages with a shit load of crazy people with guns and that I just kissed a mass murderer. What the hell am I thinking? Edward is trying to manipulate me. He's trying to get me back, so he can hurt me.

"I'm- uh- sorry Edward. But, I gotta go...." I sigh in disappointment and fear. Half of me wanted this while, the other half just wanted to get the hell out, and run forever.

"Y/N? Why did you willingly come here? You knew that there was a chance, I was going to kill you. So why?" He says, stoping me in my tracks.

"Look. Uh- the fact was I wanted you to stop this. I knew you wouldn't, but a part of me just thought, you would have stopped this. I also wanted to see why you wanted me? Was it to kill me? To torture me? What was it? I know im your greatest weakness, and if you kill your greatest weakness then, you become unstoppable because you don't have anything stopping you." I sigh, looking back at him. Once I finish, I start to walk back out of the orphanage.

My life has become a mess. I cant decide if I want him or not. He's so nice, but he isn't nice either. I wish Edward would just stay Edward.

I walk a couple blocks away from the orphanage, so if Edward changes his mind and doesn't let me go, he would need to find me.

I get a taxi and decide I'm gonna go to the shoreline, where most of the mob is. I need something.

I knew I said, well not here, but at rehab, I would never take drops again, but I needed them. God, I just need something to take the edge off. Most of the shoreline is still destroyed from that night, but most of it is rebuilt too.

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