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 Chapter 1: Captive

Devon rested the barrel of his pistol against Tyson's head. "Tell me, last chance." Devon ordered Tyson. "Suck, My, Nuts." Tyson said as he spit in Devon's face. Devon wiped off Tyson's disgusting gob and looked at him with pure rage. "Seth!" Devon yelled. "Bring this prick back home, I have an idea for him." Seth picked up Tyson and stuffed in the back of one of their trucks. "Ok boys, take all their good shit and let's head out." Devon ordered his crew. Cole, Carmin and Travis started loading all of the group's ammo, food, water and weapons into a truck. Carmin went up to Kennedy and spit in her stupid fucking face. "Woah, what was that shit?!" Kennedy exclaimed. "It was just a one final "fuck you." Carmin explained. Kennedy was so angry by this that she decided to bitch slap Carmin right in the cheek. Carmin slowly looked back up at Kennedy and rearranged her hair. "You better watch your back." Kennedy told Carmin. Carmin did nothing but wink at Kennedy and walke back to her truck. Ryan walked up to Kennedy. "Nice job standing up for yourself." Ryan told Kennedy. "Thanks." Kennedy responded. Kennedy took one look at the trucks getting ready to leave. "We'll get through this, we get through everything." Kennedy told Ryan. "We have to." Ryan responded as he walked off. Devon and his crew hopped in the trucks and started driving away from the camp. "You're gonna have a fun time." Devon told Tyson. "I'm gonna fucking kill you." Tyson responded to Devon. "Shut him up, Ashton." Devon ordered Ashton. Ashton grabbed a metal rod and hit Tyson over the head with it, he instantly fell down unconscious. A few hours later Tyson woke up in a small dimly lit room. Ashton and another random man were standing in the room probably waiting for Tyson to wake up. Tyson slowly started to wake up, his vision was blurry and he felt a pain on his head. "Where am I?" Tyson asked Ashton. "You're in Devon's new base. I think you'll love it here!" Ashton exclaimed. "What the fuck do you want from me?" Tyson asked Ashton. "I want to know where Kiefer is." Ashton told Tyson. "Oh, you want to keep your mouth shut, do you? You're playing games? Trying to fuck with me. Well, I like playing games too!" Ashton yelled as he pulled out a sharp blade. "Don't stab me with that, It's only gonna make your death worse." Tyson tried threatening Ashton. Ashton grabbed out a cloth and cleaned some dust off the blade. "Look at this knife, this knife is very special to me, now I would hate losing this knife, it just means so much to me, so we're gonna play a game." Ashton told Tyson. Ashton opened a window, the room they were in looked like it was the 10th floor, Ashton looked down at the streets below, there were countless walkers covering the streets. Ashton looked at Tyson and dropped the knife out the window. "You have 5 minutes to get that knife or I brutally murder everyone you know in front of your eyes, and then I'll murder you." Ashton instructed Tyson. Ashton unlocked the chair Tyson was sitting in so Tyson could go get his knife, but Tyson decided to punch Ashton in the face. Ashton was stunned from the punch, he got up and looked at Tyson. "That bullet wound looks like it hurts." Ashton said. Ashton drove his fingers right into Tyson's wound. Blood got all over his hands. Tyson fell to the floor screaming in pain. Ashton knelled down to Tyson so they were at the same height and whispered in Tyson's ear. "Get me my knife, now." Tyson started to walk out of the room they were in to get the knife. When he got outside he saw there was an AK47 leaning against the wall. "I see you found that rifle on the wall." Ashton shouted from inside the room. "I put it there. Tempting isn't it?" Ashton added. "I bet you just want to pick it up and kill me with it right now, but I have someone watching you, so, if you decide to kill me, you die, and also, I almost forgot, everyone you know dies too." Ashton added. Tyson looked down the hallway and a girl wearing skimpy looking clothes emerged from the shadows holding a sniper rifle. "Hi, I'm Carmin." She said. Tyson didn't give a shit, he just had his mind set on getting that knife. Tyson ran down many flights of stairs, once he reached the bottom, he ran out the door and saw the knife laying there. But there were a good 12 walkers in the way. "Shit! Fuck!" Tyson mumbled to himself when he found the courage to go get the knife. He ran out from the exit and quickly grabbed onto one of the walkers arms and yanked it clean off. Luckily a part of the bone was sticking out, so he used the bone to stab 3 of the walkers in the head, when the bone broke so it was no longer useful. There were still many walkers Tyson had to get rid of before he could get the knife. Tyson thought of a plan. He took off his shirt and found a walker so he could rip It's head off, so he did, once he got the head he wrapped his shirt around the head and left some room so he could hold onto the shirt, he went up to all the walkers and started mashing their heads in with his new weapon he created from scratch like a badass. Tyson cleared the walkers and grabbed the knife and walked back inside the facility. Once Tyson reached the top of the stairs he handed the knife back to Ashton. "You are a total badass!" Ashton exclaimed as he sat Tyson back down in the chair and strapped him in again. "So, I'm guessing that wasn't really fun." Ashton told Tyson. "So, you want to do that all day? Or do you want to tell me where Kiefer fucking is?" Ashton asked Tyson. It took a few seconds but Tyson responded. "I know." Tyson responded. "Very good!" Ashton exclaimed. "Wait! before you tell me where he is. One more thing, and this might hurt, a lot." Ashton explained. The other man that was in the room with Ashton handed him a large machete. "Which limb?" Ashton asked Tyson. "What?" Tyson asked Ashton confused. "Which limb am I cutting off?" Ashton asked Tyson. "Wait no, don't please." Tyson pleaded. "I'm sorry, I don't want to do this, but, It's your choices that got you here." Ashton said as he raised the machete up above Tyson's leg. "Wait!" Tyson exclaimed. "What?" Ashton asked Tyson. "You didn't let me choose." Tyson told Ashton. "Oh yeah, sorry." Ashton said. "Which one?" Ashton asked. Tyson took a few seconds to think. "Come on, we don't have all day!" Ashton exclaimed. "Ok, Ok, do the arm, the right arm." Tyson explained nervously. Tyson began to violently sweat. "Damn, you aren't that much of a badass after all." Ashton said as Tyson began to ball his eyes out. "No, I only get this way in these kinds of situations." Tyson explained in between crying. Ashton raised the machete above Tyson's leg ready to chop it off when from out of nowhere Devon stormed in. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Devon questioned Ashton. "I-I thought this was alou-" Ashton said as he got cut off by Devon's fist hitting Ashton right in the face. "I told you, only if he broke the rules, you cut him!" Devon screamed in anger. "I-I'm sorry." Ashton said frightfully. "Did he break the fucking rules, Ashton?" Devon asked Ashton. Ashton didn't respond. "DID HE?!" Devon asked Ashton raising his voice. "N-No." Ashton replied. Devon looked at Ashton in complete rage and punched him in the gut as hard as he could. "Bring Ashton to the punishment room." Devon ordered one of his goons. "No! Please!" Ashton screeched as he got dragged out of the room and dragged down the hallway to another room. Devon looked over at Tyson. "Oh god, you pissed yourself." Devon told Tyson. "Damn, you need to change, I have some back up pants I keep on me just in case I shit myself." Devon said as he tossed Tyson a pair of used hello kitty pants. Tyson smelled something putrid coming from it. He looked inside to see a large shit stain in it. Tyson laid the pants down on the floor. "I am so sorry about him, I really think first impressions count, and Ashton fucked it up." Devon explained. "It's okay." Tyson responded. "See, I know you probably want to kill me after I killed those two back at camp." Devon told Tyson. "But trust me, we are very reasonable people, and you'll warm up fast enough." Tyson just stared at Devon thinking of any way to kill him. "I'm gonna kill you." Tyson said. Devon didn't even acknowledge Tyson saying that. "Get changed and ready." Devon told Tyson. "Why?" Tyson asked Devon. "Tomorrow is a big day." Devon explained. Devon passed Tyson an actual pair of pants and a new shirt and some underpants to dress into. Devon left the room and locked the door. "Don't even think about trying to escape." Devon yelled from outside the room. "I will." Tyson whispered to himself. "I will."

The Dead World Book 4Where stories live. Discover now