Chapter 1- Part II

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Alex and Jane jumped in shock. They turned around to find three shocked and baffled faces. Isle, Ava, and Noah- Jane's school friends. Noah was the one who yelled.

"What are you guys doing here?" asked Jane, surprised.

Isle replied, "We followed you from school today because you never come to parties or hangouts we invite you to at night. We wanted to know what you did at that time. WE DIDN'T THINK YOU KILLED PEOPLE."

"That's some assassin skills. You didn't even know you were being followed by a bunch of amateur teenagers," remarked Alex to Jane. But Jane was too worried about her friends to take in Alex's stupid remarks.

"You guys are assassins?!" asked Ava.

"Listen, we don't really have a choice-" started Jane but Ava interrupted, "YOU KILLED SOMEONE JANE!"

Jane waited for her to calm down, and then started to explain, "I told you guys that you couldn't see my parents because they were always working. But it's a lie, they died in a car accident about a year ago, and our little sister is terribly injured and in a coma. We needed money desperately for the hospital bills, house rent, and school fees. We searched for jobs throughout this whole city, but the employers said we were too young and inexperienced, or they just didn't want us. But one day a man approached us, and made us sign a contract where he would hire us as his assassins."

"Why would you agree to do such a thing?" asked Ava.

"We were desperate for money. The hospital was about to dispatch our sister."

"But you can't just go off killing innocent people," retorted Ava.

"They are not innocent," replied Jane calmly, "They work for corrupt mobs and political powers."

"But you also work for foul people don't you?" asked Isle.

Jane shifted her position in discomfort. Then she nodded. Isle continued, "And if or when you get caught, you will be accused, not your boss. The blood is in your hands."

"Don't you think we know? We knew what we were signing up for, and we had no other choice," said Alex desperately. Then he added, "It's just for a few days until we get a proper job. And if any one of you tells the authorities what happened today, I'll just have to kill you."

"NO!" rushed Jane in between her brother and her friends. "No one's killing anyone."

Suddenly at that moment, everyone started to hear shouts. Alex turned to look down from the rooftop and saw guards running with their guns raised. He ducked just in time to miss a bullet in his head. He said to everyone urgently, "We need to go now."

Everyone hurried along the stairs inside the more or less empty building. Once they reached the ground, they took the back alleyway to escape. 


Do you think Jane and Alex did the right thing by taking up the job as an assassin? 

lemme know in the comments :)

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