Chapter 7- Part II

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The door to the hospital cabin burst open and a worried-looking Alex stormed in. He was relieved and shocked at the same time to see Ariana sitting on the bed, talking with Jane who was sitting beside her. Those emerald green eyes full of light were closed for too long, and Alex felt really happy to see them again. He quickly went forward and hugged Ariana. "Ow....." Ariana mumbled while Alex squeezed her tightly. Finally, he let go and asked, "How are you feeling?"

Ariana smiled, "Good, just a slight headache. I can't believe it's been almost a year!" she scanned Alex, "Your hair changed a bit, and you grew taller," then she shifted her eyes to his arms, "and muscular......... wait, do you have abs?"

Alex laughed, "Well you didn't change much."

"You didn't answer my question!" Ariana blurted.

Jane and Alex laughed. Seeing their sister awake and well was a great relief to them. They even forgot about the conflict between them.

Ariana said, "So, where's Mom and Dad?"

Alex and Jane's expressions changed quickly. Jane exchanged glances with Alex, who gave her a worried look as he himself didn't know how to tell Ariana.

"Ari, what is the last thing you remember?"Alex asked.

Ariana's bright expression changed into a gloomy thoughtful one. She said, "Me, Mom, and Dad were in the car, coming back from the circus. And we..........crashed....into a truck...." Ariana said the last few words slowly and heavily as if she was hit with a scene from that day with each word. Her eyes lost their color, her voice shaky, "Are they....."

Alex looked down at his feet, feeling uneasy and devastated. Jane went forward and pulled Ariana into a hug.

Ariana was in shock, her eyes filled with tears and she started crying. Jane couldn't hold back her tears either, because even though it had been almost a year, she still could feel the pain of the loss of her parents. Seeing Ariana's sobs and shouts made Alex feel miserable and helpless. 

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