{5} ~Like or Dislike~

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I opened my eyes and groaned. I turned towards the curtains and could see the light of the sun slowly rising. But then I realized that these blankets were not mine. I had a purple blanket with stars on it. This was a plain blue blanket. I quickly jumped out of the bed and made my way to the couch.

Suguru was sleeping on the couch with a small blanket over him.

AHHH! I must've fell asleep on the bus! I feel bad!

"Hmm. Saori? You're awake." he said sleepily, rolling up to look at me. His morning voice was so a bit raspy but sounded hot.

"Su-Suguru. Sorry! I took over your bed." I blushed with embarrassment. He chuckled.

"It's fine. You fell asleep on the bus and wouldn't wake up so I carried you here. I would've brought you to your dorm but I didn't wanna rummaged through your stuff to find your keys." he explained.

"I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. Uh...how about I cook some breakfast in return?" I suggested.

"That'd be nice." he smiled.

I went to the kitchen and got out a pan. I looked inside the fridge to see what he had. I pulled out two eggs and turned on the pan. I began to cook one of the few things I knew: omurice. Although it was morning I didn't want to make just eggs because that's too easy so I decided to make omurice.

"Done!" I said as I put the plates on the dining table.

"This looks good." Suguru remarked.

This was the first time I saw him with his hair down before. He's so hot. I probably look like a mess right now.

We began to eat.

"Mmm this is good." he remarked. My face lit up with pride in my work.

"I'm glad you like it." I replied.

After we finished eating I washed the dishes and retreated back to my dorm. Once I got inside I immediately flopped to the floor.

What. The. F**k. Saori! How could I be so foolish! I'm so embarrassed. Suguru saw me like a mess and I fell asleep in his bed! How embarrassing!

I went to my bed and screamed into my pillow.

I decided to stay in today. To hide from my embarrassment. Suguru and Satoru were training as usual. Shoko came to check up on me.

"Saori. Are you okay? I haven't seen you since the mission yesterday." Shoko knocked on my door. My dorm was right next to Shoko's. I opened my door. I had changed into an oversized T-shirt with shorts.

"Hi Shoko." I said.

"Are you okay? You don't look too good." she asked concerned.

"I'm such an idiot." I flopped onto the couch. Shoko followed me.

"What happened yesterday?"

I explained the chain of events that occurred yesterday with Suguru until now.

"Oh well I can see why you're embarrassed." she laughed once I finished explaining.

"Ugh! I should've woken up." I groaned in regret.

"Well do you like Suguru?" she asked.

"As a friend of course but I'm not exactly sure if I should feel anything more for him." I replied.

Shoko got up from the couch and rummaged through my cabinets looking for snacks. She found some cookies and brought them over and began eating them. She then turned on the TV.

"Hmm well I say we investigate your feelings with romance animes. If Suguru makes you feel like how any of these characters make you feel then you like him." she winked.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a cookie from the box she was holding.

So that day we binged romance animes. Some of them were sad, leaving us in tears. Some were happy. It was basically just an excuse for a girls day.

"So! Does Suguru make you feel like any of this?"

"A bit." I answered.

"Then that's not enough. So you don't like like him, right now at least. But if you explore your feelings with him more then you may end up liking him."

"Shoko why are you so technical with this?" I laughed.

"Just tryna help out my best friend." she winked with a smile.

"You finished all the cookies!" I yelled. Shoko stuck out her tongue, playfully.


"What?" she chuckled slyly.

"Get me more cookies now!" I demanded jokingly.

"Go ask Satoru for some! I bet he has a whole stash."

We both laughed. Shoko then went back to her dorm when it had already reached night and I took a nice hot bath. I needed to get my mind cleared.

Shoko said that I don't like like Suguru right now. But if I hang out with him more I will? Do I want to like him? I feel that it'd ruin the relationship we have as a group. And it'd be a hindrance on the battlefield. I'm weak. I'd only slow Suguru down. I was already helpless on our last mission. Ugh! This is so stressful.

The next month we had two missions. Rest of the days was training as usual. Suguru and Satoru would get their own duo missions. Occasionally Shoko and I got our own duo missions. And Shoko was right. My feelings for Suguru did grow as we spent time together as a group. And it was so frustrating because everywhere we went girls always asked for Satoru and Suguru's numbers.

No guy ever asked for our numbers simply because Satoru and Suguru always lingered nearby at a distance. But unlike guys the girls don't care if we're around. Sometimes they'd ask for their numbers while we were standing right there. But its not like any of us were a couple or anything. So I could never show my jealousy. It was indeed very frustrating.

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