XXVI: Innocence Lost

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Just want to put up a very minor SPOILER WARNING for the second Act of Raiden Shogun's Character Quest, some tiny passing mentions of the SHUUMATSU-GAIDEN World Quest, and also another very minor warning for the game's storyline as a whole - which (possibly) touches (what could be) the final act of the Teyvat/Traveler Archon Quest based on the Story Preview "Travail".

Spoilers for the respective stories will be very, very, very minor and only mentioned in passing - but considering both carry really significant weight to the game's plot as a whole, I feel like the readers here should know what they're getting into, particularly the latter part. It'll only be a personal take on the premise, but it's still an important piece to the overall story.

If you don't want to be spoiled to either of the two stories mentioned above, it's best to just click off the story first and familiarize yourself with the context of both.


There was this... stench. The strong and almost sickening mixture of aroma likely coming from the mixture of chemical substances, worn-down machines, and other biological materials permeated through the thick and reinforced walls within the supposed hideout and base of operations used by the outlanders, their former and current aggressors. Despite providing some much-needed refuge from the unforgiveable climate of Inazuman winter, but that really didn't give them much comfort considering their immediate circumstances.

Kamisato Ayaka could feel the beads of sweat slowly forming on the top of her forehead beneath her white bangs, not entirely caused by physical exertion but likely attributed more towards the gnawing stress and constantly creeping yet growing influence coming from the deceased Serpentine deity of the Watatsumi people. The tips of her fingers felt unbelievably cold - or perhaps hot and then progressively numb, as she her lightly calloused digits wrapped deathly tight around the tsuka of her blade, while her steel orbs scanned left and right for any activity while ironically fully knowing that traversing upon a straight line there should be minimal chances for their invaders to suddenly get the jump on the pair.

True enough, her steel-colored gems would only find the cold, drab, and moldy stone walls that would likely lead the traveling pair deeper into the hands, or jaws of their adversaries - or perhaps deeper into the domain of the Serpent God, proven by the invisible weight that seemed to make both of her head and shoulders heavy from the unseen yet revolting arcane influence of said god. The lady in white manually controlled her breathing in an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to compose herself, and instead she only found herself getting increasingly anxious - which led to the Cryomancer flicking her restless orbs towards her equally quiet yet equally vigilant companion.

The thin, sun-burned, and injured face belonging to the commoner entered her field of view, his remaining amber eye was narrowed with focus while his lips were pressed tightly together, forming a thin line resembling a cautious frown that stretched from cheek to cheek, while his straw hat was pulled down and away from covering his head - the damaged headwear instead resting loosely on the base of his neck, its wide brim lightly brushing on his slowly growing brown hair.

"...It's with a heavy heart that I have to inform you that: no, Ayaka-san. My ugly mug unfortunately will not suddenly get more attractive the longer you stare."

Nobutada's throat rumbled at last - seemingly feeling the prolonged gaze that was placed onto him, whilst the young man in question pivoted his head to his flank, shooting the noble a particularly deflated look - slightly losing the uneased edge he had just a few seconds prior.

Ayaka blinked twice before a releasing her surprise and mild exasperation alongside the huff that escaped through her teeth. "Always ready with the ever-unhelpful quips aren't you, Nobutada-san?"

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