Where are you?

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You wake up.

You slowly open your eyes, but instead of a cozy bed, you discover that you are in some kind of orange landscape. You feel too tired to question it, but you know something is wrong.

You slowly rise from the floor and as what's in front of you comes into view, reality kicks in.

Your eyes shoot open and you do not feel tired anymore as you get an adrenaline rush as you investigate your surroundings.

Everything in front of you is devoid of any type of landscape except that shade of orange and white.

You don't know where you are but try to come up with an explanation of how you got here. "Maybe someone took me here?" you think, but that only brings up more questions than answers. "Is this a dream?", this seems plausible, but that doesn't seem right for you.

You try to recall what you did before you got here, but you can't seem to remember a thing about your entire life, even your name. You try so hard to remember, but your attempts are futile and are only met with more frustration for how you can't remember something as simple as your name.

You then get a glimpse of your arms, then legs. They're all dark. You don't know the cause of this but realize that you are a lot shorter than you were before. You examine your body more to discover you no longer have a torso. You don't know what to think. Apart from your limbs, your body is spherical and completely white, with only two eyes and a mouth for facial features. It's like someone drew a white circle and put some limbs on it along with a line for a mouth and two dots for eyes, then put your conscience in it.

You stand up and finally decide to call for help. You try to shout, only to discover you have no voice. This has got to be a nightmare.

You look behind you and see the only distinct thing in this place: a mountain. As your eyes adjust you notice on the mountain: a small wooden cabin. Maybe you will find others there, you need to find out where you are.

You walk towards the mountain, thinking about the things you DO remember. You know your body wasn't like this before and you definitely had a voice. You also know you come from a place full of nature, unlike this orange void. Other than that, you can't remember a thing.

You arrive at the base of the mountain and see that it goes very high up, but desperate for any kind of explanation of your whereabouts you decide to climb it anyway.

The same questions keep on repeating in your brain, making you feel like you're going insane. You start walking as fast as you can until that walk turns into running. The thought of another civilization made you run even faster, even something alive was enough at this point. You wanted to know what had happened. No, you NEEDED to know what had happened.

This cycle of thought gets interrupted by a sound caused by something other than your footsteps. "HALT! Who Goes There!?" After the silent treatment for most of your time here you are astonished by the voice. Your eyes shoot over to where the sound came from just to see a hanger. Then you notice the same features as you have on the hanger, except for the arms. You don't have any more time to examine the object as they shout "Well!? Who are you!?" You try to somehow signal with your arms that you don't have a voice, but it's pointless as they scream again "I don't have time for your mind tricks! Activate the security system!" 

You notice that a large boulder has begun to roll towards you. In an instant, you instinctively start running in the other direction, now running for your very life. You try to look behind you, not noticing the large rock in front of you. You trip and get flung into a freefall. Everything is happening so quickly, that by the time you look back, you are already about to hit the ground.

Ow. You fall unconscious.

You now remember fear.

But a voice echoes through the darkness. "Hello? Are you alive? Here, let me help you."

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