What happens next?

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You don't understand what's going on. You can still think, so does this mean you actually survived? That wouldn't be possible, though. That beast would overpower anyone! There is no way any ordinary person would try to fight the beast without getting overpowered! Unless...

Your eyes open once again.

You see Oodle... floating? No, there must be no way this is actually happening. As your eyes adjust you notice one more thing. He is completely overpowering the beast, making it squirm and even run away.

You rise, still dazed from the shot of adrenaline you had just gone through, trying to understand what you are currently seeing.

Oodle, visibly stressed, quickly glides through the air up to you saying "Oh my god! Are you okay!?" as he lands right next to you.

"Yes... I'm... fine... How did you..." You say, barely making out the words.

"Oh... I forgot to mention that I am a demigod... didn't I..." He says as his eyes drift to the side, now distraught. He must be thinking it's his fault when it's not!

"No, it's alright! I'm fine, see?" You say as you stand up and move around, trying your best to make him feel better, but as you finish, you almost lose your balance and fall over, which doesn't make it easier to prove your point.

"Sit down, please!" Oodle says as he grabs you by the arm, helping you descend.

His care for you makes you feel safe once again, and this moment of close contact between you and him makes you forget about the situation you had just gone through and makes you just... stare into his eyes.

He, still holding your arm, making sure you won't fall over, looks back into your eyes in one moment, but this time... you don't look away, and he doesn't either. You're both frozen just staring into each other's eyes, and... you don't want to stop. You feel comfortable like this. You no longer care that your face is heating up. You almost don't notice the blush forming on his face as well. This moment feels like it's lasting forever, or, at least, you wish it did. It is broken by Oodle turning around as he notices that everyone is looking at you.

"E-Everyone get to your stations! ...S-Start drawing!" He says, trying to get the attention off of him. "You haven't even told us what to draw yet!" Someone says in the crowd. "Oh... right!" He says as he stands up and starts heading to the challenge area before suddenly stopping and turning around to face you. "I'll... be back soon! ...Take some rest, okay?" He says before continuing to walk.

This whole situation may have been confusing and very stressful to you, but, at the moment you don't care about that, as you're just... in awe of what had just happened. He is a... demigod? Like... the kind of demigod with the all-powerful abilities? That would explain a lot of things from this place, like how he became the host of this or even that canvas! He just... created them out of thin air! Although this fact doesn't shock you as much as it does make you feel even more... safe.

"Hey!" A voice snaps you out of your thoughts. It's Oodle! You stand up, almost as if by reflex.

"Whoa, easy there!" He says but is glad to see that you're getting better. There's a short pause before Oodle starts speaking again. "I... want to thank you for defending me, back at the elimination area. I know it's silly, I mean I am a demigod after all, but you being there just... it meant a lot to me."

You quickly also start speaking. "Wait, it's me who should be thanking you! My life was literally at stake! I think that I owe you much more than you do me and-" 

You get cut off as Oodle suddenly wraps your arms around you. The sudden embrace of his body makes you speechless. He speaks again, "You mean a lot to me... I want you to know that... Thank you for being there for me..." he is almost tearing up now. You wrap your arms around him as well. This moment is the best you have felt for as long as you can remember and you don't want it to stop. It feels like time, itself, has completely frozen.

You may not know where you are or how you got here, but what you do know is; that this is where you belong, right here is where you want to be, and right here is where you want to stay.

You also wrap your arms around him, never wanting to let go, as you say:

"You mean a lot to me as well."

You now remember happiness.

A Sign of Trigonometry - Oodle The Doodle X Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now