Who are you?

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You wake up.

You slowly open your eyes as you look at what's in front of you. You see a bright white triangle with a bright green border surrounding it along with the same-color limbs and facial features. You think that this one seems more friendly. 

"Hello? Are you there? Do you need some water? There's a sea right over there..." You point at your throat, or at least where it used to be, in order to signal your inability to speak. "Oh, of course! Where are my manners?" He seems to get the memo and snaps his fingers. You feel something changing in your body. You have gained back the ability to speak!

"My name is Oodle The Doodle! Here, let me help you up!" He says happily. He holds out his hand, which you grab to pull yourself up. "What's your name? I have never seen you before here..." He asks you a question as he looks into your eyes.

You want to answer, but it's like the voice you were just given seemingly slipped away. It may be because you feel like someone cares for you for the first time, well... the first time you can recall. This thought makes you feel safe, for the first time here you aren't panicking anymore. You feel... at peace.

You now remember calmness.

"Uh... Hello? I know the seawater is salty, but it may really help you..." You are brought back to reality. "Oh! Uh..." You clear your throat "My name is..." You pause, still not being able to remember. "I can't... recall..."

"Well, we can't just leave you with no name! Let me think..." He scratches his head. "Red Circle! Because of the shade of red on your face!"

"Wh- Huh?" You look down and notice a large red blush has spread across your face, at which point you become flustered. "WH- Wait a second!" You say loudly. That felt like a tease...

"What? I was never good with naming things!" He says defensively. "Fine, just Circle it is then, the name would've been too long anyway." He says before becoming his usual happy self. "I wasn't really expecting you, so I can't make you compete with the others, but that's alright, I'll let you spectate instead!"

You think to yourself "Compete? Is this some kind of competition show?"

He looks at something in the distance. "Wait, shoot! I'll be late for the elimination! Follow me!"

"Guess I'm about to find out." You think to yourself as you follow Oodle. As you follow him in silence you are left to your own thoughts. "Why did I blush so hard back then? Do... Do I like him?" You disregard that thought as fast as you can. "I had literally just seen him for the first time! That can't be right." Before you even knew it, you had already arrived at the elimination area.

"Stay right here while I bring everyone here!" He says, pointing next to a stand with a drawing on it. The drawing is simplistic, with only the outlines being colored. There were also two objects with limbs on them, similar to the one you had seen on the mountain.

You do as he says, but before he leaves, you manage to ask him "Wait, so you are hosting this competition?"

"Yes! Forgot to mention that! Sorry, just rushing to do things a little!" He says as he runs up to a bright blue TV, which also has a face, but no limbs at all, which he refers to as "Tivo"

You wander off in your thoughts again thinking about how you got here. "I know I'm not supposed to be here, but... maybe... just maybe this is... better?" You think about that moment of comfort between you and Oodle before and you feel your face beginning to heat up again. "Damn it! Not again!" You try to make the blush go away, but quickly give up and decide you should just pay attention to the elimination instead.

"Where is Pear!?" You hear one of the contestants say. "Who is Pear?" You say to yourself quietly, very confused, you must've wandered off for too long. "Well no one here looks like a pear, so I guess no one here." You deduce and feel proud for a moment.

"Don't worry, I'll go look for him." Says Oodle, to which you stand up and say "Can I come with you?" This makes everyone there look at you and there's a small pause that feels like forever. "Who is that?" Someone asks, to which Oodle replies "That's Circle! Someone who I found not too long ago and someone who is very friendly! Circle will be a spectator from now on!" You blush a little from the nice compliment. "It's okay Circle! I'll go look for him myself, he couldn't have gone that far." Oodle replies, making his way out of the elimination area.

You sit back down and start waiting patiently. You aren't able to think of anything outside of the compliment as you start blushing even more than before. That is until you hear arguing... It's Oodle!... And someone else...

You see someone coming toward the elimination area, it must be pear, but he's saying something about a different dimension and people being miserable, which all just sounds like nonsense to you. This starts getting serious when pear starts pointing his finger straight into Oodle's face, making him almost trip on the stand. You think that if you don't act quick something bad will happen to Oodle! You must do something, but don't know what would be appropriate. 

That is until Pear shouts at him: "YOU'RE POINTLESS!" That was the final straw.

You now remember anger.

A Sign of Trigonometry - Oodle The Doodle X Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now