Walk home

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It's another day at school and you're in algebra 2. Busy at work with something the teacher handed out. Probably some busy work. It's pretty easy once you get going. The bell rings and you get up. Last class of the day and you finally get to go home and relax. You head over to your locker and fill up your bag, grabbing your clarinet. You start walking out when you notice Fred Kruger. He's known for being a total creep around school hitting on everyone. You ignore him and head outside to start your walk home from school. On your way out you see your friend Brahms. You walk over and start to talk with him.

"Brahms what's up man?"

"Oh uh nothing much really (Y/N) I'm just waiting for my parents to come pick me up." You nod.

"Nice do you still wanna come over this Friday for the movie night?" You ask. He smiles and nods.

"Of course. I'd love to. I'll bring some snacks."

"Alright I'll talk to Michael and Jason too. Are you still tutoring on Sundays?" You ask. He nods.

"Yeah I still am. But I'm also doing it on Tuesdays now too. I'm really in need for cash right now." He chuckles and you do too.

"Alright I'm gonna head home. Later." You wave goodbye.

"Later." You head out of the school gates and feel the lovely spring air around you. You watch as the occasional car. It's a calm day that you're enjoying. Walking at a slow pace. But you can't help but feel like you're being watched. You try to shake off that feeling until you feel an arm wrap around your waist. You turn your head and see Fred Kruger smiling down at you. You stop walking and pull away from him.

"I'm not interested Fred." You say walking off again. He catches back up to you.

"Aw come on babe a pretty thing like you shouldn't walk alone." You roll your eyes and walk faster. Unfortunately he's faster than you. He stops in front of you and won't let you leave. "You're gonna get hurt being alone like this doll." You look around for help but you don't find any.

"Look Kruger I don't date creeps. Just let me leave." You try to walk past him but he pushes you back.

"Come on babe you're alone with me. Just give me your number." You're about to turn back and run but you feel someone come up next to you.

"They're not alone actually. I was just catching up with them." You look over and see Billy Loomis. He's a pretty popular guy at your school. You've never spoken to him before and you're shocked he's doing this. You're a bit skeptical as to why he's doing this but you're not really in a position to refuse his help.

"You're friends with (Y/N)?" Fred asks. You're anxious and just want to get out of there. So you nod and look back to Billy.

"I am yeah. We're gonna go meet up with Stu. So how about you go let us leave?" Fred nods and moves. You quickly walk away followed by Billy. "It's (Y/N) right?" He asks after he caught up with you. You nod.

"Yeah um thank you Billy. You can um go now if you want." You say looking back over at him. He's looking behind you two at Fred walking away.

"I don't know. I don't trust him. I'll just walk you to wherever you're going if that's ok." He looks back to you and you nod. You round the corner and take one last look behind you.

"Why'd you help me?" You ask him. He moves his brown hair and puts his hands in his pockets.

"I don't like seeing people being harassed. I don't like Fred. I don't want people getting hurt. I'm sorry if it was awkward but you didn't seem too pleased with what was going on." You nod.

"Yeah um thank you Billy. I just don't really know you." You feel a bit awkward but Billy seems calm and fine with walking with you.

"Well maybe we can get to know each other. If you wanna you know? Or I could just be your guard dog." You chuckle a little bit. Billy's not very buff. He's tall but not buff. You've seen him in gym a couple times and he does seem pretty fast.

"No offence Billy but you don't look that strong." You say. He smiles and stops walking. You stop too a bit ahead of him. You turn around and look back at him. He's smiling and you feel one grow on you.

"I bet I can pick you up. I can prove it too, if you will let me." You start chuckling too.

"Thanks Billy but I don't wanna get hurt. Let's keep going my house is like five minutes away." He nods and keeps walking with you.

"What were you doing walking out like that?" You ask.

"I was on my way to a friends house. Again I'm sorry about what he did."

"I'm ok." You reply. It was a scare but it wasn't too bad. What would have happened if he hadn't helped you. You shiver at the thought and bring your attention back to Billy.

"Who are they?"

"Stu Macher. You might know him." You think for a second. You might have seen him around school before hanging out with Billy. He's got short brown hair and he's pretty extroverted. Also kinda a class clown from when you were in classes with him. You nod.

"Yeah I've seen him around before. Never really talked to him though."

"You can meet him next time we hang out." Billy says casually. You look up at him with a small smile. The words 'next time' dancing in your head.

"Next time?" You ask him. He nods.

"You do wanna hang out again right?" You nod quickly.

"I do yeah. I'd um love to hang out again." You say trying to keep a bit of your cool.

"Is it ok if I touch you? I just want to pay your shoulder." You nod and he pats it lightly. Like you two are good friends already. You smile at the thought of hanging out with more people. You do have three great friends you love to hang out with but it's always nice to get more people in your circle. You two reach your house and you stop walking.

"Well this is my house." You say.

"Can I get your number (Y/N)?" He asks. You nod and he pulls out his phone. You give it too him and he leaves with a wave and a smile. You smile and wave back. You walk inside and hear music playing from downstairs. Your mom must be coming up with writing prompts. Your dad left a few years ago so it's just you, your mom and your brother. Good thing your mom makes good money writing books and editing articles and such. Your brothers on the couch and he's looking at you with a smirk.

"Who's the boy (Y/N)? Is he your boyfriend?" He asks teasing you. You scoff and roll your eyes.

"He's just someone I met today. He just wanted to walk me home alright? It's really not a big deal." You start to head upstairs and your brother keeps making kissing noises. You sometimes wish you never had a younger brother.

My boys (Billy Loomis x Stu Macher x GN reader)Where stories live. Discover now