In The Moon's Light, Everything With You Is Alright

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Summary: Venus and Lancia spend some quality best friend time together on a roof, they talk and have a heart to heart. Ends in some soft girls in love moments

TW: (Mentioned) Attempted Murder

Sitting on the roof, holding her best friend's hand, Lancia's never been happier. "I love the stars, the moon and the fresh air of the night." Lancia whispered, I love you, as well. She thought, not daring to admit that much so early into the night. "So do I." Venus agreed, smiling faintly at the blue haired girl beside her. The quiet echoing of girly giggles from the window below them, it was easily recognised as Riku and Mei's laughter, probably making fun of someone or watching trashy rom-coms together in the dimmed light of the lamp.

The laughter had immediately put Venus on guard, tensing. Lancia could tell something was on her best friend's mind, it was pretty obvious. "Penny for your thoughts?" Lancia joked, holding up a two pence coin into the glistening view of the moon. Venus chuckled, not feeling up to properly laughing over something so silly, "Nothing, just Riku and how she can giggle and smile after what she did to you." She muttered, saying Riku's name as though it was venom. "I'm past that, now." Lancia sighed, she'd said that to convince herself, mainly, but making Venus more at ease was a plus. "You don't mean that, Lan, you know that." Venus whispered, "I've known you for eleven years, I know when you're lying!" She continued, looking at her best friend. "Ve, it's fine. It's not the most important thing in my life." She confessed 'you are' she thought.

"She stabbed you, Lan." Venus muttered, "you shouldn't have to 'get over it', you could've died-" her voice cracked and she paused, blinking rapidly for a few seconds. "I could've lost you." She mumbled, a small tear falling off her cheek and onto the roof panels as her lips trembled. Exhaling air shakily, Lancia stared at her. "Lying on the bathroom floor, blood staining my hands- I thought I was going to die..." She shook her head, "I was so scared that you'd be alone." She whispered, "I wasn't scared for myself, it was calming. Waves of adrenaline made it felt like a relaxing nap," she murmured, "waking up in that hospital bed hurt so much more." She laughed, it was a sad, fake laugh. The sound still made Venus' heart flutter happily.

"I love you, Lan." Venus breathed out, like a weight being lifted off her chest. Hopefully looking at Lancia, scared of being rejected. "I love you too, Ve.." she whispered. Venus leaned forward, connecting their lips. Lancia's hands made their way to Venus' short purple hair, playing with it, twisting in through her fingertips. Venus' hand was on Lancia's face, guiding her through the kiss, her other hand left dormant on her own lap.

Pulling apart, breathing deeply, and staring into each other's eyes. "You're so pretty." Venus muttered, looking at Lancia's plump, bruised lips. "Thank you, darling." Lancia smiled, brushing Venus' hair out of her face, smiling softly. "You have gorgeous green eyes." Lancia commented, speaking without thinking her words through. Realising what she'd just said, she stared at Venus' pink tinted face, obviously flustered. "I love you." Venus whispered, admiringly. "I love you too." Lancia mumbled fondly.

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