chapter 1

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(so, some of first chapter might seem a little cringy and boring, there must be lot of mistakes too.. but please understand it's my first time writing such stuff.and yeah.. i have made a large mess with taking idols over here.. it is an AU. So it doesn't have any relation with any idol.)

Y/N pov

I am in a school where everyone wants to go so badly !

'The Kim University' (i know seems shitty but.. understand 😁)

I am scouted because my parents forced me to go in this highschool.

Great !


I woke up at 5:00 AM... Like i know i am a very lazy girl but still ......

It's first day of my highschool. I did my morning routine, wore a good dress and went downstairs.

I went towards main door with my bag when i shouted
Y/N :"unnieeee, i am going to school byee."

But then my unnie came out of kitchen with her apron and a sandwich in her hand
Unnie:"No, first eat this.. then go"

Y/N: "Unnie . I am already late , i will miss the bus if i stay here for more than a minute."

Unnie : "Didn't you heard what i said, i won't let you go if you don't eat this" i am definitely gonna miss the bus.

This is my elder sister Miss Beautiful Choi Yuna.  After my parents left me with her. when i was just 8, she was the only person i had.

She is sometimes too much overprotective and sometimes she is clumsy. But, she is very hardworking and genius.

She works at a my dad's business company.
It's been 3-4 years i haven't properly met my parents. And that's because they are very strict and maybe they hate me.

I don't know a proper reason why..... But they have never gave a proper attention to me.
They were actually gonna put me in a hostel or something.

But, my unnie took my responsibility and now we live in a house together.
And not to mention but my unnie has a secret boyfriend. But she doesn't tell me anything about him. 


Run run run, faster faster...

So, yeah.... Just as i said, i am late..
And i am about to catch the bus..
And finally the bus stopped.

I quickly stepped up, and started panting hard. I looked around and found one seat near the window. I sat there and relaxed myself.

You'll say why do i have to go in a bus when my dad is a CEO of a company,
So that's because me and my unnie live a really normal life.

We don't like too much of luxury, soo..

After some time, i am finally in front of the highschool. I slowly went inside. And i can see a lot of students..

And i am sure they are very rich with their attires. I am just wearing a black hoodie and a denim jeans with my hair tugged in a ponytail.

I went towards the staffroom, and took my schedule and locker key from my class teacher.

I came in the hallway, found my locker, opened it and started putting my stuff over there.


I felt a tap on my shoulder. I quickely turned back and saw a girl and she smiled while looking at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows, I felt that i know her. But i can't remember.

???: Aren't you Y/N ?

Y/N : yes, w..why ?

???: Hey, don't stutter, you know me..

Y/N : (awkward laugh) hehe ... Umm i don't remember you.

???: Remember the girl who lived in front of your house, in your old town, who played with you in your house...

She was waiting for my response while i was thinking... And...

Y/N: Are you Lisaaaaaaaaaa ??

Lisa : yes you stupid... You are still the same, you don't even...

And before she complete her sentence i hugged her so tight.

Lisa : Yaah, are you going to kill me today.

Y/N : ah, sorry.. hehe.

Then i released her. And we were talking about old days while she took me to the class.

And.... Miserably, the class was already started. Eventhough i had a good reason why i am late. But now lisa have to lie to the teacher.

Teacher : why are you both so late ?

Lisa : um ma'am i was taking the new student to the class

Teacher : okay, go to your seat. And new student wait for few minutes.
(Teacher went inside class)
                Everyone, we have a new student in our class.

She gestured me to come inside.

Teacher: introduce yourself.

Y/N: I am Choi Y/N. I hope we all get along together. Thank you.

Teacher: okay. Sit beside yoongi, yoongi raise your hand.

Everyone looked at a guy who was sitting at back and was littrelly... Sleeping ?
He didn't respond to the teacher.

Teacher went closer to him and said,

Teacher: Mr. Yoongi..... Mr. Yoongi..... We have a new student.. can we have your attention here ?

She was hella sarcastic saying it and say what !

Yoongi : i will give attention later. Let me complete this first.

And wow... The whole class was laughing at him. Then teacher told me to sit beside him.

The lectures went on..
And the yoongi guy was sleeping the whole time. And neither teacher said anything nor it bothered me.


Lunch Time..

Lisa told me to come in cafeteria.
So i took my plate and went to the table she was sitting. There were 2-3 girls and 2 guys with her.

I sat on the table and saw that the yoongi guy was there too and fully awake.

Lisa : let me introduce you to all. This is my childhood bestie Y/N. And this is yoongi, i am pretty sure you know him. This is namjoon and he is the genius of our class.
This is Jisoo and this is jennie and this is rosé.

They felt quite friendly. And i was relaxed that i made new friends. Thanks to lisa !

Namjoon : guys, we should eat fast and...... Wait....  Someone is missing..

Rosé : where is He ?

Jennie : and where is that Bunny boy ?

Everyone looked at each other, confused.

Namjoon : i think we should start eating. Maybe they are busy doing some shit.

Yoongi was silent the whole time, jennie and rosé are talking something from a lot of time. And i am just staring at everyone while eating. I finished my eating.

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