The Meeting

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Erion steps out of his car after expressing his love to his mother. He begins to limp awkwardly towards the door to the school. It was his first day, after all! How could he not be nervous? Oh, the people he'd meet!

        Once he stepped foot inside, the loud commotion of people chattering caused him to cover his ears. As he waddled along with his ears covered, he nervously sat against the wall next to his peers to wait for class to start. As he sat there, he thought about his schedule. But as he slipped it out of his red and black binder, he heard the bell ring.

      He quickly slid his schedule back into his binder before dashing to his locker to put his backpack away. As he rushed through the hallways, he roughly bumped into someone on accident. He glanced up at him and stayed there for a while, starstruck. "Are you going to move or what?" A mysterious voice knocked him out of his dream world. "Oh, y-yes! Sorry!" He said with a stutter.

   Once arrived at his locker, he began struggling to open it. He banged his locker door for a moment before it finally opened. He shoves all of his things (excluding his iconic binder) into his locker before rushing to his first period.

    Once he arrived, he stumbled around looking for his name posted on a sticky note. "I found it!" He exclaimed before immediately covering his mouth as he realized how loudly he had spoken.

   As he sat down, he looked around before his eyes wondered to a certain individual. He made a slight gasp before once again covering his mouth. He stared at the boy, wondering where he had seen him from. Then it I hit him, literally. "Pay attention!" The stunning male had reminded him that of the rules while taking his seat next to him. "I'm sorry! I was daydreaming" he said with a slight lisp.

      It was the boy from the hallway! He immediately began to blush in embarrassment from not remembering. He worked all day, trying to impress the teacher, but part of him was doing it for the boy sitting next to him.

    He wanted to impress him! I mean, who wouldn't! He thought. Then suddenly, he felt something grope his thigh. He glanced down at it and followed the arm with his eyes to see...

"Love in the classroom" An Erion x Tall Ben Where stories live. Discover now