24.Good morning gorgeous

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YN-I couldn't stop crying how could he check out that nurse I get it that she's beautiful but I'm more pretty then her well I'm saying that because it's me and that's not really right to think that I look better than anyone or that I'm better then anyone I'm just going to ask for a new nurse because I don't want my boyfriend jerking off to her
Jace: I'm back babe
Me: What were you doing?
Jace: I ummm
Me: You were jerking off to that nurse weren't you?
Jace: Are you hungry?
YN-I know him so well when is trying to make me forget something he change the topic I swear if he fucks that nurse we are over and he can be with her I can raise this baby on my own the doctor came in to check on the baby and I and we are both doing good I can go home tonight when I was done I seen Jace talking to that nurse
Jace: Hi
Nurse: Hi
Jace: I just wanted to tell you that your beautiful
Nurse: Thank you
Jace: Your welcome

Jace-When I got back to YN room she was looking out the window she wasn't even looking at me I think she was ignoring me maybe she seen me talking to the nurse but I'm just trying to get on her good side so I can make sure that YN is getting the best care that they have because that is what my child and her deserve
YN: Still talking to that nurse huh?
Me: It's not what you think
YN: I hope not because I think you want to fuck her
Me: It's not like that
YN: It better not be
Jace-Even with no makeup on YN looks so beautiful with her long/short beautiful hair her beautiful eyes it's enough to drive any guy crazy I'm just glad that she's mines and I wouldn't give her up for nothing in the world and plus she is having my child which makes me love her even more I kissed her
YN: Please don't break my heart
Me: I won't babe I promise
YN: Good I love you
Me: I love you to
Doctor: Time to take your meds

YN-I went ahead and took my meds they gave me some juice it was apple juice this was the last time they gave me meds and now I can go home I went to get up to fix my hair and put on a little bit of makeup Jace was looking at me like I was crazy because I am trying to look good and go to work today but he won't let me
Jace: Your not going to work
Me: I have to
Jace: No you don't
Me: Well I'm going
Jace: No your not
YN-He held me down so I wouldn't try to get away I told him alright he won this time so he got off of me but right when we was about to leave the hospital I felt sharp pains in my stomach but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to go back to the hospital but Jace could tell that something was wrong
Jace: Are you ok YN?
Me: Yes
Jace: Are you lying?
Me: Nope
Jace: Yes you are fuck it we are going back to the hospital

Jace-I took her to the hospital holding her in my arms she was sweating and I was scared because I didn't know what was going on I saw the same hot nurse and I ran up to her and said that my girlfriend needs help and her and the doctor went to go help us she put YN in a wheelchair and carried her into a room
YN: What is going on with me?
Me: Yeah what is going on?
Doctor: You are about to have the baby
YN: I'm not ready
Doctor: Your right but you will be either tonight or tomorrow
Jace-I understand YN because I'm not ready either I'm not ready to be a dad I don't think I will ever be ready but what I do know is that I will be a good dad and I really love that baby and I really love YN I think I want to spend the rest of my life with her just the two of us laying in each other arms and making out
YN: Jace I'm scared
Me: I know I am to babe
YN: You have nothing to be scared about I'm the one that's giving birth
Me: I'm scared to become a dad
YN: Oh that makes sense

YN-After a long time of waiting and spending another day at the hospital it was time for me to give birth finally I didn't want go through anymore pain but I knew I had to in order to get this baby out I can't wait to meet him or her and I can't wait to spoil him or her and if I'm having both I will pass out
Doctor: On the count of three push
Me: Who is counting?
Doctor: Me one two three
Me: *Push**crying*
Jace: I'm sorry babe
Me: Shut up
YN-After three more pushes I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy he is so cute and handsome already he has everything from Jace face but his eyes he has my eyes I let Jace hold our son and I saw a big smile across Jace face he made me smile he is so cute with our son I can't wait to raise this baby together
Jace: He is so cute
Me: I know right
Doctor: What do you want to name him?
Jace: Can we name him after me?
Me: Sure

Jace-After signing the birth certificate they took our son to where they keep all the new born babies so they can watch him carefully and make sure that he was doing ok which I hope he is he looks so perfect and I can't believe I'm a dad now

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