30.Round of applause

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Riele-When I sat in his lap I felt something poking me and I knew what it was he was so hard for me I'm going to do something that he always does to me and that's tease me and see how he likes it he knows that he has my heart and he takes advantage of that which isn't right and it's like playing with my heart
Trey: Don't tease me
Me: Oh now you know how it feels
Trey: What you mean?
Me: You play with my heart all the time
Trey: Not this shit again
Riele-Oh no he didn't did he just call my heart shit because it's not a piece of shit and if he thinks that then maybe I should leave right now and not look back I know my worth and I know that I need to be loved I bet Chris Brown wouldn't treat me this way well on the other hand he might be worst because he is a superstar
Trey: Stop talking about your heart
Me: Why?
Trey: I don't care about it
Me: Wow really?
Trey: Yeah now let's just go to bed

Trey-I hate when she does that shit when she always have to start a fight and throw shit back on me I get that I haven't been the best boyfriend but now I want to change that because Riele is the best thing that happened to me she has always been there for me and from now on I will be there for her
Riele: Good morning Trey
Me: Good morning babe do you want breakfast?
Riele: Yes
Me: *Cooking*
Riele: I didn't know you could cook
Trey-I am so glad that Riele enjoyed her breakfast because when I cook I put everything I love into that one meal it doesn't matter which meal it is it could be breakfast or dinner or even lunch I love cooking I have been cooking ever since I was a kid my mom taught me when I was five I miss my mom but my dad was never in my life
Riele: Well I have to get to work now
Me: Bye I will miss you
Riele: I will miss you to
Me: Ok bye
Riele: Bye

Riele-He is being hell of nice to me for some reason and I have no idea why but I'm going to enjoy this while I can but I just need to know that I can trust him as of right now but I really do love him and I want him to love me to but that's not possible but this is all fucked up I just need him in my life and not just the dick
YN: Hi Riele
Me: Hi YN how are you?
YN: I'm ok how about you?
Me: I'm good
YN: I'm ready to get this day over with
Riele-I totally agree with YN I hope this day goes by so fast and I hope that We wont have to do a lot of work meaning I don't want to get sent to another location and I don't want to be here all day and all I want to do is get in the bed and have lots and lots of sex with Trey but I also want to have sex with Jam
Jam: Today we have to go to another location
Me: Oh Lord where are we going?
Jam: To Walmart
Me: What?!
Jam: We are going to Walmart

Jam-The reason why I set this photoshoot up is because I want people to know that models are humans like everyone else and yes they do go shopping all the time not just clothes they shop for groceries and they also have normal lives just like having babies and having boyfriends and husbands
YN: Hi Jam
Me: Hi YN are you ready?
YN: For?
Riele: Our Shoot at Walmart
Me: Thank you for filling her in
Jam-Do I think that YN and Riele are beautiful yes do I have a crush on them also yes do I have a chance with them no but I just need one night with the both of them they make me so hard and I really need them I haven't had no good pussy in a while and it is so fucked up because you know how all men need that
Riele: Can we get this over with?
YN: Yeah because I'm trying to get back home to my man
Riele: Me to
Me: In that case let me take my time
YN: Your not funny

YN-Jam is really sweet but at the same time he can be annoying especially at a time like this all I want to do is get back to my baby and Jace because Jace and I have a lot of talking to do like why is he always acting weird when Alexa comes around does he have a crush on her is he fucking her or does he want to fuck her
Jace: Hi babe
Me: Hi baby what are you doing here?
Jace: I'm here for you
Riele: Hi Jace
Jace: Hi Riele
YN-I am happy to see him but what is he doing here why is he here he knows that every time he comes to my job he knows that I can barely get any work done because he is so hot and every time we see each other we start to make out and that is what happened this time I don't know why I thought it would be different
Jace: *Grabs her butt*
Me: Stop babe I'm trying to work
Jace: You look so sexy wearing that
Me: But
Jace: No buts hurry up so we can go home

Jace-YN is like a walking goddess she is so beautiful I am so in love with her and only her even though I did cheat on her I didn't mean none of it I was drinking even though I only had two drinks it was a big mistake on my part that will never happen again I will hold on her to her and make her happy I promise

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