Day One

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"Good morning, sleepy head..."

Waking up to Mark's soothing voice makes you smile. You sit up, grateful that he is the first thing you see each morning. He hands you a warm plate, filled with your favourite breakfast. After you thank him, he places a soft kiss on your lips, which you return. "I love you, Y/N" he says, making you blush.

"I love you too, Mark." You call to him as he leaves your bedroom. Once he's gone, you smile to yourself and start to eat. You think about how happy Mark has made you. He does so much for you, and doesn't expect anything in return, which you love about him.

You and Mark have made the picture-perfect life together, which is all you need.

As you're eating, you catch a glimpse outside the window. The sun is beaming, casting a warm glow into the room. This fills you with excitement, seeing as you and Mark have planned a date today. Perfect weather for a perfect date. Once you finish your meal, you take the plate downstairs. Mark is waiting for you in the kitchen, his eyes lighting up as soon as you enter the room. You step towards the sink, but he steps in front of you and takes the plate off you to wash it, as much as you insist you can do it yourself.

"Relax, sweetheart. I'll do it. Why don't you start getting ready?"

Smirking, you plant a quick kiss on his cheek and make your way upstairs to the bathroom. Just as you're about to get in the shower, a faint, high-pitched ringing fills your head. Assuming that you're just tired, you decide to ignore it and get in the shower. Once you step out, the bathroom is filled with warm, steamy air. You continue getting ready- drying yourself off with a soft towel and getting changed into an outfit that you know Mark would like.

You exit the bathroom to see Mark waiting for you. He pulls you towards him into a tight, warm hug. 

"You look tired darling." He says, stroking your cheek with his hand. "Why don't you have a little nap before we leave?"

You agree, beginning to feel a little tired. Mark  leads you to your bed and you lay down, wrapping yourself in the soft covers. Mark lays next to you, calmly tracing your arm with his  fingers. As you begin to drift off, you think of Mark, and how lucky you are to have him. 

He loves you. 

He knows what's best for you.

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