01 | Becky's Love Advice

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A twin-tailed Blackbell walked along the halls of the school beside her best friend, Anya Forger.

Almost a decade had passed, and the two had already entered their first year of high school.

Holding her books, Becky opened her mouth to say with a straight face, "Hey Anya, when are you going to confess your love to you-know-who?"

Anya stopped walking abruptly; Becky halted shortly after, looking back at the emerald eyed teenager.

"Heh?" Anya 'hehed' cluelessly, tilting her head to the side.

Becky dramatically dropped her books to the floor; then, held Anya by her shoulders roughly.

"Don't tell me..." Sweat trickling down her face.

Anya stupidly left her mouth slightly open with dotted eyes.

"You don't even know who you like?!" She screamed enough for the other students to look with dotted eyes as well.

"Who are you talking about, Becky?" Anya responded calmly. Even with telepathy, she couldn't tell since Becky wasn't thinking of a name.

Becky tightened her grip and shook Anya by the shoulders, causing Anya to move forward and back repeatedly. Some muffled "Uah" and "Ugh" sounds could be heard.

"Damian, duh! It's been like, 9 years!" At this point, Anya had swirls in her eyes. "It's obvious I despise him, but I know you have a thing for the guy!"

Her words were cut in between, due to her head continuing to sway back and forth crazily. "But- I- Don't- Like- Him- That- Way-"

Becky had stopped shaking Anya and let go of her shoulders. Leaving Anya to stumble around from the previous shaking.

She reassured her friend, "Trust me Anya, I have 10 years of experience. I know love when I see it." Her left arm under her chest, right hand touching above it to gesture to herself, and a diamond star appearing near her eyes.

"You- Just mean... Those dramas you watch-" Still incredibly dizzy — she held her head with her hands, stepping back to balance herself. Then, bumped into someone.

She turned her head, eyes still spinning. Her vision cleared and there she saw, well, Damian.

"What's with you?" He asked in a not-so-friendly tone and eyebrows raised.

She cheerfully blushed like her usual self. "Sy-on boy! We were just talking about you."

Damian reddened at the thought, "H-huh? Don't talk about me behind my back, it's unbecoming of an Eden student." — but fake coughed it off right after. 'Damnit, I shouldn't have stuttered.'

Meanwhile, in the background; Becky is sticking out her tongue carelessly and Anya was staring at him blankly.

Damian noticed it, a slight blush still on his cheeks. "Not only that- Stop dawdling, we'll be late for class otherwise." He passed by Anya and Becky along with his two friends, Emile and Ewen.

"Hey Boss, you seem pretty red, are you sick?" Emile observed.

"Yeah Damian, you haven't been sleeping well these past few days again. Should we tell a teacher?" Followed up by Ewen.

"Don't worry so much, it's nothing." Damian waved their concern off. 'It's just cause of her, always needlessly being cute.' He internally scowled shyly.

Anya watched their backs walking away into the distance. Her cheeks were a bit more red than you'd anticipate.

Becky looked at her like a proud mother would, and smirked.

"Hey Anya!" She called out and caught Anya's attention. "Word of advice from your bestest friend you've ever had and ever will," Anya felt a bit conflicted at that and just stared at Becky. "Try your best to spend more time with him."

Anya took it as an advice in friendship for the mission rather than love for her feelings. "Yep! I'll do my bestest!" She pumped up with stars in her eyes.

Becky laughed and picked up her books to continue walking, "Just so you know, 'bestest' isn't a word."

Anya ran a bit to catch up and followed Becky's pace once she reached beside her. "I know, but it's fun to say it."

"Hmm, sure, just don't use that word on exams." She looked calm and jokingly worried at the same time.


'Don't grow up too fast, Anya.'

Becky had felt a bit down, at this, Anya told her, "Hey Becky! Promise we'll always be friends?" She cheerfully asked with a closed eye smile.

She lit up a bit at Anya's question and replied, "Of course! There's no reason for us to stop being any closer than we are now." She nudged her playfully.

The two best friends' backs disappeared as they walked further into the hallway.


It turned out to be a bit more of Anya and Becky's friendship, but I mean- I can always continue this to have more Anya x Damian. Add some scenes here or just make another part of it in the next chapters.

Plot Twist: Becky purposely let go of her that moment so she could bump into Damian. Even more so to prove her point.

830 Words


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