Ch 4 - Confessions

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Aria POV

I woke up the next morning and groaned a little in pain. I texted Rachael to pick me up at the cafe which she was confused about but told me she would. I didn't have any extra clothes so I just wore what I had on and walked outside.

Rachael pulled up and I crutched myself over to her car and sat down. "Why are you on crutches?" Rachael asked concerned.

"It's a long story." I tried to cut her off but when I did she turned the car around and went back to her house.

"I'm not staying at your house again Rachael." I told her and she just scoffed at me.

"Well I'm not letting you stay at that group home." She retorted.

"I'm not, that's why you picked me up from the cafe. Lucille has an extra room and is letting me stay there. I stay under the radar and nothing bad happens." I told her and she looked over at me to see if I was lying.

"Fine, but we are still going to my house so mom can check you over. I'll have her call school and say we aren't coming, then I guess I'll take you back to the cafe." She told me and I just agreed knowing there was no sense in arguing.

We made it to her house and back into the bathroom we went this time with Aurora who looked upset at the fact that I was on crutches.

"Strip." Aurora told me with an upset tone in her voice.

"What?" I asked with furrowed brows.

"I want you to strip right now. Just to your undergarments, but I need to be aware of all injuries." Aurora said with a tone that I knew not to fuck around with. I carefully took off my clothes and dropped them to the floor. I wouldn't look up at them.

"When are these from?" Aurora asked as she traced the bruises.

"Yesterday." I said quietly.

"And the clearly broken ankle?" Aurora asked.

"Last night I jumped out of my window." I confessed.

"Your bedroom is on the second floor Aria!" Rachael yelled causing me to wince.

"We're going to the hospital," Aurora said as she handed me my clothes.

"What? No!" I said a little too loud for my own liking.

"I know what will happen if they figure out it's you. I won't let that happen. You're my niece and we'll get everything under my insurance." Aurora told me as I was getting dressed.

I sighed knowing I couldn't fight with that woman. We made our way out to the car before heading over to the hospital. Aurora snuck us in through a side door before we made our way to the X-Rays. About 3 hours later, I was fully done.

I got a full body x-ray done and that's when Aurora found out not only did I have a broken ankle but three broken ribs as well.

After my ankle was put in a correct cast we were out of there. Aurora and Rachael dropped me back off at the cafe, but Aurora went in to talk to Lucille. I guess she was explaining the situation.

"So why did you jump out of your window?" Rachael asked throwing me off guard.

"What?" I questioned.

Rachael crossed her arms over her chest. "I know you didn't jump out of the window for fun, so why did you do it?"

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, "Kevin came into my room last night. I don't know what he was going to do to me, but he started to unbutton his pants so I fled."

Rachael looked taken back by that, but quickly pulled me into a hug. They left shortly after that and I went to lay down for awhile before the start of my shift.

I was in the last hour of my shift which had been quite difficult because I was on crutches. However, I still got everything cleaned up ahead of time and Elena's coffee was almost done. I felt a little flutter in my heart just before the bell dinged.

I crutched my way out and smiled when I saw her gorgeous face. Her smile however quickly dropped from her face and went to one of concern. I handed her her coffee, and she walked over to the table and set it down.

She crossed her arms and looked at me without sitting down. I don't know why everyone is wanting so many answers from me.

"How is it that every time I come in here, you are hurt more and more?" Elena asked and I could hear a hint of sadness in her voice.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I guess that's just how life works sometimes." She shook her head and sat down after I did.

"So what's the damage?" She asked causing me to sigh.

"A broken ankle and three broken ribs." I told her honestly and she took a deep breath.

"How?" I widened my eyes at that. Only Rachael knew how I got the broken ankle.

The way she was staring at me I knew I couldn't lie to her for some reason. "One of the guys at the group home doesn't like me much, so he kicked me around a bit yesterday." I told her and she raised her brows.

"That's why you were having a hard time breathing yesterday? And you didn't tell me?" She asked almost hurt sounding.

I shrunk a little in my seat, "I didn't want to worry you with my drama." I told her truthfully and she took ahold of my hand.

"That's just it Aria. I really care about and like you. I want to know when you are hurting so I can help you. Now what about your ankle?"

"I jumped out of my window on the second story." I mumbled out.

I was surprised when she heard me, "You jumped out of a second story window? What on earth were you running from that would cause you to jump out of a second story window?" She asked and I started crying.

I fell into her arms and she held onto me tightly. "The same guy who kicked me around. He came into my room last night and started to undo his pants. I didn't know what he was going to do, but I didn't want to find out." I don't understand why I'm telling her all of this, but it feels nice to be held.

I swear I heard an animalistic growl after I told her that, but I just ignored it.

I pulled away from the hug and she wiped my tears. "Come on, I'll give you a ride to Rachael's sweetheart." She said sweetly, but I just shook my head.

She tilted her head, "If you think I'm letting you go back to that group home then you're crazy."

I shook my head again, "No it's not that. Lucille, the woman who owns this cafe is letting me stay here until I turn 18. She has an extra bedroom." Elena looked to have calmed down some.

She nodded and gave me a hug. She looked as if she was about to leave, but I stopped her. "Elena, would it be too much to ask if you stayed the night with me? I know I'm only 17, but I'll be 18 in a week, but if that makes you uncomfortable-"

"I would love to dear. I'll lock up if you want to make your way back there." She  told me with a small smile on her face. I tossed her the keys before crutching my way to my bedroom.

I got into bed carefully and rolled over to the farther side. Elena was in behind me shortly and she climbed into bed with me. I could tell she was trying not to touch me out of respect, but I rolled over and laid my head on her chest and cuddled my body into hers. She wrapped her arms protectively around me and I felt a sense of comfort flood my body.

"Do you work this weekend?" Elena asked and I shook my head.

"Would you want to come spend the weekend at my house?" I looked up and saw nothing but admiration in her eyes and I nodded my head.

"I'd love to." I told her quietly and she smiled kissing my forehead as I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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