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I woke up on the cold hardwood floor this morning, I guess I was too exhausted to make it to the bed. I got myself together before making myself some breakfast that I only picked through. I couldn't bring myself to eat or even drink anything, my nerves were too bad. I tried to call Trey, multiple times but of course I didn't get an answer.

So now, I sat in bed, catching up on schoolwork. Some which was long overdue, begging my professors to accept it. Just as I finish my work my phone started to buzz, I slammed my laptop and tossed it to the side as I grabbed my phone. It was my mother. Of course, I was happy to hear from her, but it just wasn't what I was expecting.

"Are you okay, Janae?!" Her voice was full of concern, "Yes, I'm fine..." I trailed off.

"Why didn't you call and tell us that yesterday?"

I sighed, putting my phone up to my ear as I walked into the living room and turned on the news.

"It was a lot going on yesterday, ma." I tell her,
"Well, I'm just glad you're okay." She finally stops yelling in my ear.

I kind of zoned out after she said that my eyes glued on the screen that Giovanni was now on, standing in front of the club. His full name wasn't on the screen, just that he was the owner of the club.

"We don't know who would do this, and why. But once we do find out, there will be consequences." He looked at the camera before walking away.

"Janae?!" She snapped, gaining my attention again,"Yes!" I answered, "Yes, ma?"

"I said how's Trey and my baby CoCo?"

"CoCo is good, I don't know how Trey is..." I roll my eyes at the thought of him, "What do you mean you don't know how Trey is?" She asked.

"I haven't seen him since yesterday morning." I shrugged.

"Have you called him?

"Yes, ma." I rolled my eyes.

"Did he tell you he was doing anything?" She asks yet another question.

"Said he had to handle some business!" I said, I don't know ma; he's been acting weird lately."

"You don't think he would just up and leave you, do you?"

"I don't know anymore..."

lHm, okay. Well, don't let it stress you. Keep yourself busy, there's always something to be done." She tells me, "I won't, ma. Thanks, love you." I let out a smooching noise.

"Love you too, Nae."

She's right. There's is always something to get done, I can't sit around all day. I popped up off the couch and walked over to CoCo's stuff, grabbing her pink leash and shaking it to summon her. She came running around the corner, sliding and slipping as I tried to attach her collar. I finally got it on and slipped my shoes on before walking out the door.

We walked our usual route, down two blocks and around the park. It's never enough for her, she'll start sitting in the grass when she notices that we're on our way home. I rarely tug her; I just sit there on my phone until she gets up. Minutes have passed though, and I was getting irritated.

"CoCo, c'mon now." I groaned, tucking my phone away in my pocket.

She wasn't going to budge so I took the matter into my own hands and picked her up, beginning our walk home. I had been walking for about five minutes now, out the corner of my eye I had noticed a black car slowly creeping up. If it came down to fight or flight, I'm definitely prepared to fight at this point.

Deceived: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now