Chapter 1

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"This damn radio!"

Laisha wakes hearing her dad cursing the radio for the millionth time on their drive to their new home.  Listening to the static made her mentally role her eyes to him. Ha, as if shouting at it would make it return to normal. She half sighed; half chuckled under her breath to her own thoughts.

Laisha hadn't really known where they were going just that it'd be a small town. A small town very far away from home. She sat up in her seat looking out the window. all she could see was trees, trees that never seemed to end. She'd always wanted to live near a forest, maybe she could go exploring. This brought her hopes up, only slightly though. It would diffidently distract her from her drunk and abusive father. He never physically hurt her, but he liked getting into her head he was Smart that way, though over the time she had only learned not to care. She took care of herself for the most part. Ever since her mom passed away that's when her dad started drinking and going out the most. 

She hadn't really thought about her mom's death she was too young to remember when it happened. Therefore, why she was now stuck with her father, and suddenly he just up and decided they would have to move? she figured it had to do with his gambling debts of course. however, she didn't really care about that. It never brought her trouble she was basically invisible to the world. She hadn't liked living there but it was home still, and she built a way to survive she was just lucky that way. Still the thought lingered, how would she adapt to a completely new place? well... in another two hours or so she would get her answer. 

"Finally!" Laisha shouts. 

"You know stopping at least once to stretch would have been nice." She says while stretching. 

Laisha's father only waves a hand and walks away silently. Of course, she would be stuck unpacking alone. she sighs before looking up to see the large house towering above her. It looked old, deserted and overall kind of creepy. Not really what she was expecting. Though, this only added to her curiosity. Pulling some of her things out of the truck she stopped and looked around. Not a single building. Just as deserted as the house itself. The patio steps creaked with each step she took, only adding to the creepy vibe. The door was still open, ha at least he had some decency. 

Wow! she thought as she looked around the inside of the house it was magnificent nothing like the outside. The dim lighting of the wall sconces and chandelier lit the room perfectly. Everything sculpted perfectly in dark polished wood that shone perfectly. A large and old rectangular multicolored rug lay in the center of the entry room. Two hallways, one leading to a cozy living room and the other to a beautiful dining room attached to a gorgeous kitchen. the shades had all been pulled back the light shone perfectly inside. finally, the best part of this whole thing, choosing a room! 

(The picture above was the closest I could find. Not bad honestly, pretty accurate.) 

Looking down the long, slightly dimmer hall she acknowledges the different portraits hanging on each side. small wooden tables against both sides and more golden sconces between. A long plain dark red rug leading from the stairway all the way down to a single window at the end. There were four doors each the same as the one next to it. Deciding to open all doors and peer into each, the largest room was towards the back. Three large windows and a large bed in the center. Two more doors inside, one leading to a closet and the other to a beautiful bathroom. both a shower and tub inside along with a double sink and the toilet perfectly in between. All well-spaced out, and clean in its nice white colors. 

going back out to see the lovely wooden desk near the windows. a lovely tall dresser at the left of the bed and a small nightstand at the right. a carpet in the center of this giant room would make this better. having just the thing Laisha continued back and forth through the house with her things and spreading them across the room. she hadn't forgotten to bring her father's things in, but she wasn't going to do it all, so she'd left them near the door downstairs. he could manage that couldn't he? with that thought now long gone she began decorating her room the way she saw fit. her collectibles of animal skulls and dead insects and the other things of nature had their own spots. don't think drastically these things were found already dead and the wonders of anatomy of skulls and insect were intriguing. A different side of beauty if you will they held stories in some and others were just nice to look at honestly. 


jumping out of her thoughts and looking over to her window a crow stood at the sill. when Laisha made no movement to really acknowledge the crow. it once again began tapping it's beak against the window. Laisha slowly stood to her feet walking over and slowly slid the window up. to her surprise the bird hadn't flown away it actually flew inside. she flinched a bit as the crow cawed in her direction as it now sat perched on the corner of her foot bored. looking outside one more time and back to the crow she had no idea what to do now. she couldn't keep it in her room, right? of course not that's silly it wouldn't last long besides just because it came in nicely means nothing. what if it's dangerous? 

"you're a very lovely bird but you can't stay here" 

with that Laisha stepped back clearing space for the bird to fly out. again, surprisingly it did, though it only sat at a nearby branch facing her and cawing again. 

"I hope I see you again, but you shouldn't stay here. if my old man hears you, he'll get angry and chase you away." 

the crow seemed to tilt its head in confusion but then seemed to nod a quick second and flew away. well, that's that single strangest yet coolest thing to happen today. with that Laisha went back to gather clothes and shower after her long journey. not long after settling in and reading books it grew dark outside, the once bright ball of light from the sky now a dark orange. her window was still half open the light breeze gently blowing back the white curtains. so, the night begins dawning on a new life in a new home. with that Laisha sat up in bed drawing the crow shed seen earlier that day vividly remembering each detail. when done she got up once more and hung it on the wall above her desk. with that calls the end of the night, normally shed be a night owl but the long journey took its toll. with a final glimpse out the window and her now steady breathing she allowed the darkness to consume her into a dream filled slumber. 

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