Chapter 2

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Another glorious morning Laisha thought as she rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes. she smiled to herself when she realized she hadn't dreamt it all and was in fact still in her new house. with this Laisha began her morning routine even more excited when ready. her final finishing touch was her brown fur and leather travel bag. finally, she was ready and headed out the door to explore her new home. 

An hour or so later she finds herself in a small-town a decent amount of people walked around this morning, perhaps there'd be more later. walking down the small dirt path road and sidewalks she received a lot of odd looks. the judging eyes only made her uncomfortable to a point where if she was a turtle... well shed be walking around headless. one girl in particular seemed to look at her curiously making her return the same look. who is that girl?

Curiosity filling her further by the minute. the girl across only shyly smiled and began walking another direction covering a basket she held with her. that's not suspicious. Laisha thought to herself yet only ignored the girl after she disappeared around a corner.  the new thing to capture her attention was a cute and small bookstore across the street where the girl had previously stood. walking in was just as magical as seeing it in the first place, but it was empty. not one person could be seen amongst the stacks and rows of old books. was there no owner either?

"New here?"


Laisha questioned dumbly after being startled from the voice behind her. clearly this question was directed to her she was the only person here or so she thought. the man in front of her stood tall he had pale skin, white wavy Ish hair, blue eyes and thin black glasses. he wore a dark blue thin sweater vest over a white button up with black jeans and fancy black dress shoes. he stood staring up at a bunch of books hand on his chin gliding across his sharp jaw line. he was a decent looking man even Lashia had to agree with that; quite frankly shed never found anyone that attractive, or more so she never really focused on people. 

"Well?" he repeated in a low yet soft British accent now looking over to Laisha.

"Sorry to bother you. I saw your store from across the street and well it looked interesting."

"You're one of very few who think that. perhaps one of  few who come in at all."

"I see." Laisha stood quietly becoming awkward. 

"So, are you?" 


"New here? well of course you are, but what I really mean to ask is who, are you?"

"Oh, well my name is Laisha. I came from a small city a couple of hours from here."

"Well, Laisha I'm john. Johnathan booker. I've lived here all my life. I've inherited this store from my parents when I was young. and I personally enjoy writing, reading, and relaxing in my free time. and yes the iorny and puns are well intended with my last name. you know with it being booker and working here and all. hm, well my father found it funny anyways." 

Laisha seemed to eye him cautiously. he seemed a bit crazy, especially saying most of his last sentence to himself while starring off somwehere. deciding not to be rude she continues no questions asked.

"You live a simple life."

"So, I try. now that we are introduced. is there anything I can help you with, or are you just looking around?"

"Well, I was just looking but, there was a girl outside earlier. do you know her?"

"Hmm small. with short black hair. carries around a basket. mmm early 20s or so?"

"Yes! that's the one, do you know her?"

"Nope never seen her."

Laisha looked at the man dumbfounded feeling awkward looking back and forth to him and the exit ready to half run out.

"oh, wait! you mean Stephanie, right? she is one other costumer I get here often. she seems a bit shy but give her an interesting book or topic and there's no stopping her passion for the truth. interesting young woman that one. though, where to find her? hm usually at this time, she goes up to the old church at the top of the hill just past town, near the beach."

"Um, okay. well, thank you. I'll be off then." 

"of course, come back anytime it gets too quiet here with it being just me and all these dusty old books. I enjoy the company."

"I will, thank you, goodbye john."

with that he waves Laisha off as she travels up the distant hills slowly approaching the abandoned looking old church. the beach and forestry in the distance definitely add to the creepy vibe. looking around a voice can be heard from the side of the church. going around the voice grows louder and full of giggles before she is met with a now startled Stephanie. looking next to her Lashia spotted a young dog who began to bare its teeth to her. the dog seemed to be protecting the short haird girl, growling a low warning growl. on the other hand the tail between its legs made it clear, the dog was also afraid.  

"Sorry, I mean no harm!"

"Bax, it's okay boy."

She calms the dog as it retreats to her side.

"How did you find me?"

"Well, after I saw you in town, I was kind of curious. I stopped at the bookstore and the owner said you'd be here."

"Mr. Booker!?"


"Sorry... it's just I hadn't thought he knew I came here?"

"He seems to know you well, or, I assumed just by the things he told me of you?"

"He told you about me!? what did he say!?"

"He said you were interesting and that you're very passionate about books and stuff. oh and that you go by his store often he enjoys having you as one of his loyal customers." 

Within the next few seconds visible blush could be seen on the girl's pale skin. curiosity killing the cat the question just had to be asked. 

"Do you have a thing for the bookstore owner?"

"What!? no! I do not have a "thing" for Mr. Booker what a crazy accusastion."

"Hey, it was just a question relax." 

The girls face only grew reader but leaving things be Laisha decided not to press further.

"So, what are you doing up here? in this... creepy old church."

"I came to see Baxter. that's what I call him. I live with my sister, and she doesn't like dogs so I can't keep him, but I found him here and well I just visit and bring him food secretly."

"Well, that's cool I like dogs too, but my dad would never allow me to keep him either."

"Hm shame well hey you're new here then, right? where do you live?"

"Oh, yeah I moved into the old house about an hour or so the other direction of town.

"Wait the creepy old house hidden in the forest? where the old man died in!?"

"Someone died in there!?

"it's what I heard. mm but I'm sure it's fine. that was forever ago. he... was kind of a creepy old man though."

"Really what was he like?"

"Well, he was old kind of looked anxious all the time. He never really talked to anyone; murmured to himself a lot, and there was always a weird raven following him around. he always passed through here and would look around the ocean coast and the edge of the forest. he even stopped by Mr. Booker's shop to look at old newspapers and old books. he carried an old journal around all the time too. Mr. Booker talked to him a few times but i could never hear about what.

"that's interesting... I'm really curious about this man now though. Know where we can find out more about him?"

"Well, we can always check out the police station! I know the chief's daughter max, she can help."

"Okay great let's go!"

"Okay! come on Baxter lets go search for a dead man!"

Laisha stops turning to the girl with a raised brow.

"Sorry too weird?" she chuckles nervously before they both laugh it off and make their way back to town. 

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