Chapter 5

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the three stand at the top of the now open stair case holding onto each other but not moving a muscle.

"okay lay go ahead." max says first.



laisha questions and stephanie shouts.

"why me."

"oh, i dont know maybe because its your house and you suggested we do this. oh, and you pushed the button!"

maxine finishes clearly distruaght.

"okay, okay no need to shout. i'll go first then."

as she goes to make a move steph grasps her arm tightly in fear. laisha snaps her head in her direction steph shakes her head urgently silenlty begging the girl not to go. laisha holds her hand for a second and nods her head in reassurance before letting go and slowly making her way down the stairs. the two wait together at the top not making a sound just huddled together waiting to hear from laisha as she dissapears down the stairs.

"hey guys, it's fine you can come down now."

"are you sure?"

stephanie replies to laisha.

"yeah it's sfae i promise, i think his journal lied though."

the two looked at each other and quickly but carefully made their way down the stairs.

"what do you mean lied?" max says first.

when they both take in the view they awe in amazement. in the center is a rectangular garden which still looked to be growing something. off to the right a fire place with a small pot hanging from a railing just above it looks like you could cook something there.  a little off to the side next to it was a single bed not too small but not too big either. along the front of the wall that they were facing to upon entering has a row of small windows. off to the left the other side of the room a wide bookshelf full of books was built into the stone around it. a few feet in front of the shelves was a large desk. papers and books and other things laid messily scattered on top. and finally just next to it in the corner looked to be a small circular table with herbs, roots, powders that had been grinded up, and small bottles of liquid. moss hung from the wall just above it. this looked like a small alchemy lab. finally what seemed to look like the only normal thing in this room was what looked like a small mini fridge, just opposite the alchemy lab on the other side of the desk.

by now the girls finished taking in the scene in front of them they go around the room looking at different things. laisha near the desk and book shelf. max near the alachemy station. and stephanie looking through the windows near the fireplace. the whole underground room was made of bricks some that popped out enough so that you could climb the wall, or place things on top of some of the stones. light peaked though the windows still these obviously led outside but how?  where underground is this place? how did the stairs lead here when we came from the second floor? these thoughts ran through their head as they ocassionaly glanced to each other asking these questions without real words but no one had an answer.

"okay evryone clearly we can see this may or may not still be real so lets keep looking for clues."

the others nod their head to laishas words they continue on serching for any other hidden passages and odd readings and such for a couple of minutes more when they finished the rounded back up near the desk. max found a buliton bored hidden behind the bed frame. stephanie found old pictures and newspapers. laisha who'd stayed near the desk went through all the notes and books and read through his left behind journals finding one that just may be telling the truth.

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