sasuke's return

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it was a rainy day 
a dark haired uchiha has walked into the gates of konoha
he worn a dark cloak air was moving his rave spiky hair half of his renningan shown
he walked and stepped inside konoha
everyone eyes were on him
everyone knew how he was it was the one and only sasuke uchiha the last uchiha alive
how's known also as the traitor of konoha
how had tried to destroy them dozens of times
some of konoah villagers gretted him and welcomed him some of konoha villagers gave him a mad glare and treated him coldly
but the uchiha didn't care
all he wanted to do was to go to the hokage tower  sasuke wanted to announce he finshed his mission to the hokage kakashi hatake the sixth hokage the sucessor
yes after tsuande stopped down of being a hokage since it wasn't her plan to be one in the first place
she was seen a 'saivor' in konohas eyes
she was the only good chocie for them since jiraiya rejected the position
after she stepped down she made kakashi the new hokage
sasuke thoughts cuts off when he made it to teh tower
he walked through the stairs till he reached the hokage room
he knocked onto the door waiting for a permission to get in
"Get in" and he got it
the door opend to reveal sasuke holding the scroll kakshi asked for
"Ah sasuke! welcome back" gretted kakashi
"Hn" all he said "how was the mission" kakashi asked though he worn a mask you could clearly see he was smiling underneath
then kakashi eyes went down to see sasuke holding the scroll
"I see you finshed you're mission" kakashi said
sasuke nodded
"Congratulation sasuke this is the thirteenth s ranked mission you finshed alone" kakashi Congrats sasuke gave a smile
"Woul you like to celebrate this occasion along with me and team seven at ichuraki ramen?" the silver head hokage asked
sasuke though for a second
celebration with his team after a long time won't be bad
they will get to hang out like before
and he will get to see sakura again
yes sasuke wishes to see sakura beacuse he finally realized his feelings for the pink haired kounichi
he had always been in love with sakura but he didn't want to adimit it
he had other plans than dating sakura
but that don't mean he never loved her
"sasuke?" called out kakshi sasuke looked at his sensie and replied "hai.."
kakashi smiled "that's amazing then I will announce to naruto and sakura chan about this" sasuke was rather confused when did kakashi calls sakura with the stuffix chan
he also seen when kakshi called sakura name he was a bit of blushing and nervous
before he could say anything the door opened to reveal sakura "ohayo kaka sensei i made you a bento!"
sakura happily walked to kakashi along with a bento in her hand made for kakashi
"Ohayo sakura chan" kakashi said smiling and his voice chnaged a bit to be more exicted and more happy
then sakura eyes widen when she saw sasuke
"sas..sasuke.." she said shocked  she eyed on sasuke then at kakashi "I was about to tell you and naruto that sasuke returned from his mission" kakashi replied removing the confusion of sakura
the pink haired kounichi looked at sasuke and smiled warmly
"Welcom back home sasuke san" she gretted
sasuke was a bit taken back that she used san instade of kun
since kun means a huge honor san is used for pepole you less know
he expected sakura to ran and hug him tightly confessing her love for him
but sakura ignored him and ran to kakashi
sasuke flinched his fist

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