icharuki ramen

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"it's good to see you again teme!" grinned naruto
"ah" he replied as a thanks noding his head
"so how's gonna pay for the ramen?" sakura asked "I will" lalashi replied
"are you sure? since it seems that we migth eat too much it could be a bit expensive" said sakura worried a bit
"yes im sure" he replied
"After all its been so long since we last meet" kakashi says while he pet her head
sakura gave a smile along with blush
"That's amazing! Let's go!!" Said naruto grapping the hand of both sakura and sasuke running towards ichuraki ramen
"narutooo!" Sakura yelled
Wait for kakashi kun!" she stoped the blonde so kakashi could reach them up
sasuke eyes opend a bit
he looked at sakura how was scolding naurto while naurto rubbed his hair
why dose she call kakashi with 'kun' dosent she call him sensie
"Gomene sakura chan" apologized naruto to sakura
"Next time wait for others esspacily if it's your sensie or freind" sakura crossed her arms
sasuke was still confused
yesterday sakura brought him a bento
and now she calls him with a 'kun'
and now scolding naurto for not waiting for him
didn't sakura always complained about how late he was ans scolded him why now it's different
not only that kakashi seems a bit too touchy with sakura
the entire road he ethire pet her head shoulder joked with her
he was so close
so close to sakura
"Oi I'm here" kakashi yelled as he saw sakura gave him very warm smile
"What are we waiting for let's go I'm starving!!" Yelled naruto "naurto you just ate 6 icharuki ramen mini box" replied kakashi
"It was a mini box it's not enough!!"
sakura giggled at her teammate figthing
sasuke looked at her
she looked so beautiful while smiling
he find a blush came acorss his cheeks
"Alrigth let's get in" kakashi said
the ring o ichuraki ramen ringged as the ramen guy came and gretted them "oh! Ohayo Naruto hokage sama sakurs chan!" And then he was taken back when he saw the uchiha
"ohayo sasuke welcome back" he gretted him
"So what would you like to eat?" He asked
"I'd like to have a spicy ramen!" naruto quickly ordered
"hn..me too..." sasuke didn't even liked ramen but it will be rude to refuse the ramen offer so he just picked what naruto ordered
"Well I gusse I will go by the same" kakashi smiled
"what about you sakura?" Kakshi asked making his face closer to hers
"O..oh...me as well spicy ramen please" she saw the whole team eating a spicy ramen so she just picked it up since they all asked
tho spicy food is her least favorite
"Alrigth please take a seat I'll cook them real quick!" The ramen guy replied
after ordiring they sat together
few moments later they been served the ramen naurto started eating hungrily as if he energy ate for weeks
sasuke ate calmly
kakashi took off his mask a bit to eat only his lips been revealed he liked spicy food
sakura on the other hand didn't seem to enjoy her ramen so much kakashi took a noicte
"is everything alright sakura? you aren't eating?" Kakashi asked petting her shoulders "oh I just...don't like spicy food so much" she giggeld in embarrassing
"How about we order as well some deserts from icharuki I heated they serves anmitsu" sakura face glow up "cha!"
"ne teuchi could you give us some anmitsu?" kakashi ordered
"Hai" Teuchi replied
sasuke watched it whole while eating he was somehow mad to see these bounds bettwen these tow grows up
then sakura had her anmitsu started eating it happily
what she liked the most about it the mochi's as she took all the mochis and ate it as she left some of the mochi's cream on her face
"sakura chan you have some mochi cream on your face" naruto said
sakura stopped eating looking at naruto
"where?" She asked as kakashi used his thumb to clean her face "there" he replied
sakura blushed while her eyes widen she looked down and smiled "arigato kakashi kun.."
sasuke grinned his teeth

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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