chapter 14

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Y/N pov

It's morning. Of course we did stay in bed a bit more, enjoying our alone time since we don't have work. But we did decided to get up and eat breakfast. I was supposed to buy food but after what Axel did. It's already too risky to be alone and Axel might come out of nowhere then be double dead. Even me- I also realized that YB must of pick pocket his keys from me that I was supposed to drive in his car for food yesterday. I'm thinking of YB to come with me in the Walmart store. YB only ordered something for breakfast in the internet in his phone and so that we go on our way of cooking. We are both sitting down on the chairs, drinking coffee and eating breakfast front of those now dried bloody roses from last night that's on the table.

There's even some dried blood napkins that's under the roses to keep it from dripping on the table. I mean...I am bothered by it but eh. It's yandere Peter. What ya expect? least it's not that gorey. I'm over here squishing his cheeks while YB being so cute "good morning, honey" I said. It's our date today, so I think I'll be much loveable around him. "O-o-oh! Good morning, darling" YB pauses for a sec as he didn't expect the honey nickname I gave him. probably processing it. "Too" YB finished. He blush then keeps staring down at me as I can tell he really loves me touching him. I blush cause of his cute face.

 I blush cause of his cute face

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Yes. I am wearing his shirt today as my PJs. It's honestly comfortable. YB been staying shirtless around in my apartment. The wounds are still on him as he didn't want to cover it. At least he's not bleeding that much. I let go of his cheeks then finish my breakfast. YB already finished his cause he got a big mouth to fit the whole food in and he is only drinking his coffee. I look up at him as I think about taking him with me. I could already hear some fan girls coming around all over YB in my mind. "Maybe they think of him as cosplay? It could be possible cause there is many people that cosplay" I thought then slightly nod as I finished my coffee, putting the cup down on the table. YB is still staring at me then I wave my hand in front of his face. "You ok?" I said and I giggled a bit.

He blinked twice then chuckled. "Yes. I'm fine. What do you have in mind? You seem to be thinking" YB said. I slowly rub the back of my head. "I was wondering for you to do grocery shopping with me. Other people might think you're a cosplay" I said. YB's face slowly turned confused. "Cosplay?" YB said. I nodded then I think of a way to explain it. "It's more like...other people turned into someone as a character. With makeup and costumes. Almost like you would play on the stage but it's more of a fun way in public. People would mostly ask for pictures with you" I explained. YB slowly nodded as he is still a bit confused. Either way, he is slowly getting what I'm saying. "Why pictures?" YB questioned. I simply shrugged. "To pose it on other apps cause what you wear is really cool. They are a fan of it" I answered.

YB finished drinking his coffee then puts the cup down on the table next to mine. "As long you're in the picture. I love to take pictures with my girlfriend" YB said as he gently pinched my cheek. "Pfff- it's only one test date but yeah. I would like that too" I said. He let go of my cheek then smiles. "Wait until you want more dates with me, darling~" YB said. I roll my eyes at him playfully then I get up. I grab all the dishes that we finished as I'm about to clean them in the sink. "Go get ready. I can tell this would be a very good day for you and you need new clothes. I'll give your shirt back" I said. YB shakes his head no. "No. No. You can keep it. I got an extra one" YB said. I softly smile as I know he really wants me to. "Alright then" I said and going to the sink. YB gets up as he leaves the kitchen to get ready in my room. I finally realized that sometimes my toothbrush be moving around to the places I never remember putting it down. "I'mma...gonna need a new toothbrush" I thought since YB does use my toothbrush to brush his teeth instead of his toothbrush that he already has in the game. We still need to unpack his stuff since all of his stuff that's in the boxes are next to the couch in the living room.

Time passes to 1:40 pm

YB pov

We are both in the car as we had already gotten ready. As usual I'm in my normal clothes and I did found my extra shirt on one of the boxes on top. I am driving to the...Walmart store?..first. She did said they must have everything. Even probably what Y/N wants me to wear. I look at Y/N with the corner of my eyes. She's on her phone and seems to be on this app called Amazon. Though she is wearing a short (F/C) top, black boots, black tights, and a (F/C) jacket. I know it's a bit showing on her upper body but as long she keeps that jacket on. It's all good for me and that Y/N is safe with me. I slowly put my hand on her thigh as I look at the road again. I felt a little jump from under my hand, which Y/N seems to be surprised. I casually smile very happily as this is the best day for me. Test date or not. I felt an arm coming around mine like a side hug from her. I try not to purr so loud for Y/N to hear.

I heard her giggle "you're too happy for this, peter~" Y/N said. I've been telling her I don't like that name but I just let it slide this time. "Well, yes cause it is our day to spend so much time together. Only you and me. No one else" I said happily. I could tell my eyes must of grew very big by now. "Pfff- of course. I know how you always want to be alone with me" Y/N said. We got closer to the Walmart store then I parked a bit closer to the store. We get out of the van and as usual. I lock the van then keep it in my pocket. Surly I did pick pocket my own keys from Y/N cause I realized I was so paying attention to the TV. I said yes to her to take my van. But the real answer is no cause that bastard Axel ain't gonna be in my damn van or around it.

Y/N already found a cart that's outside, so she wants to take it since it was left alone. "Come on. Hop on. It's kinda big enough" Y/N said. I look at her then the cart then back at her. "You want me to get in?" I said. She giggled then nodded. "Yeah. You wouldn't be heavy for me though and it's fun. I also want you to look at this" Y/N said as she give me a paper that seems like a list of something she needs and also clothes for me. "Just in case" Y/N said then I chuckled. I get into the cart and I am too tall that my legs and arms hang over the cart. She keeps walking to the Walmart place then looking around as Y/N's seeing many people looking at us. Some might know me and some thinks it's funny of what we are doing. We got into the store then what I found on the list seems a bit shocking. I could see what new underwear she would get for her own cause she needed more. I start thinking this in my head.


"𝑶𝒉 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈~"


"𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒈𝒐.."


"𝑺𝒐 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒅~"

"𝑺𝒐 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒅~"

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