the break up

498 22 1

Tw: cheating swearing

Your pov

Today was monday my least favorite day of the week but at least I get to see my girlfriend Athena

Time skip to at school

I just got to school and I already want to leave but I can't sadly I have to sit through maths and science without Alex Ella or Athena it sucks

Time skip to lunch (shits about to happen)

Me and alex are waiting at our spot for Athena and ella it's been about ten minutes so I decide to go look for them "hey I'm just gonna go look for Athena and ella real quick stay here" I told alex he said okay

I got to the girls bathroom to see if they're here I turn around the corner to see ella and athena making out. My fucking girlfriend and best friend are making out "what the actual fuck" I say just loud enough for them to hear "y/n what are you doing here" ella say as if I just didn't see her making out with my girlfriend "trying to find you two but didn't expect to see you to making out" I say about to cry dont cry y/n dont cry "baby it was nothing" Athena says "ok so you my girlfriend" I say pointing at Athena then point at ella and say "and you my best friend making out is nothing okay" "y/n stop being dramatic it's nothing" ella says
"I'm done have fun making out and when your done dont think of coming near me" I say walking

I walk back to where alex was tears running down my face "hey what happened why are you crying" Alex says hugging me "Athena and ella were making out in the bathrooms" I managed to get out well crying "hey hey your ok they're just bitchs ok" alex says

After I calmed down I said "I have the rest of the day as free a period I'm just gonna go home" "ok text me later be safe"alex says "yeah ok" I say

Time skip to back at the house

I just got back a remembered cates home shit if I'm quiet enough she wont know I'm back I thought but as soon as I walk in the door I hear cate say "hey how was your day" shit "um great yeah I was good"i say not turning around to look at cate so she can't see my face "hey are you ok your  voice sounds a bit off" she says "um yeah I'm fine" I say trying to not let tears fall down my face "y/n turn around please" cate says with a Stern but also soft voice but I dont turn around "y/n turn around" cate says with a more stern voice I turn around but keep my head down Cate sighs and comes up to me and just hugs me even though I try not to breakdown I do she just holds me and whispers small 'it's ok' and 'let it out' after a while I calmed down she had me sit on the coach and sat next to me and asked "what happened you want to talk about" "yeah that might make it better" I say "well I'm all ears"she says "well my girlfriend Athena I told you about I found her and ella making out in the school bathroom and they told me that it was nothing I dont think that's nothing."  "or am I just overreacting" I asked she hugged me and said "your not overreacting okay she cheated and that's a horrible thing  to have happen to you it's fine for you to be like this okay" "okay" I said

After a few minutes of us sitting in a comfortable silence with the few sniffles from me my phone rang it was Athena "who is it" cate asks "athena" I replied "I'm gonna go to my room and answer it" I say "okay"

Once I was in my room I answered the phone "hi I just wanted to let you know I never liked you I only dated you so I could get closer to ella" she says "what the fuck Athena who does that" I say "me clearly dumb bitch. Also we're breaking up cause me and ella want to be together" she says "fine I dont give a fuck" I say "good cause even if you did I wouldn't care bye" she says and i hang up the phone and block her number incase she try's calling again then ella calls I answer cause might as well get this done with "I don't want to be friends anymore" she says "likewise" I say "also your so rude hanging up on MY girlfriend she wasn't done talking to you and I'm akso not so dont you dare hang up on me" she says i just hang up on her as well and block her i cant be bothered with this shit I go and lay on my bed and start to cry again why did it have to be ella athena cheated on me with

After a few hours cate comes up to my room to say sandy had invited everyone in oceans 8 to dinner at her house with the kids and said if I didn't want to go we wouldn't I say I'm fine to go it might take my mind off Athena and ella and all the kids are fun so why not I get ready which means I'm just going to make it look like I wasn't crying

Once we're at Sandra's edith drags me to play with all the kids after a while it's time for dinner I only got a little because I wasn't that hungry after everyone had finished cause it was only about six-thrty most of the younger kids went for a swim I didn't I stayed talking with the adults they're  more interesting away me and sandra were talking and I swear this women just knows how to get people to tell her what's wrong because I ended up explaining what happened today without even realizing (idk why but I feel like sandra would be able to do that) she gave me some good advice on how to get through this which was nice then at about 8:20 everyone decided it was time to leave when we got home I got changed into my pjs and went to bed I was fucking tired
New chapter yay sorry for the wait I was feeling like shit so yeah also yes this break up is based on mine

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