Choi Han's Wiki

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Let's get into Choi-Han's Wiki as for Request.

Sorry for not updating sooner, I just need to focus more on my studies this days.

Anyway Let's start


"Ahem- attention everyone!"

At the being's loud voice, everyone look at their direction.Seeing the Being's wide smile Choi Han instantly felt chills all over his Body.

Slowly and carefully, he ask the being: "wh-what is it?"

The being's previous wide smile widen more, their eyes slowly shaped into crimson, smiling non stop, they said: "ahem- you guys are just new here right, so is I'll be kind enough to tell you about this things called 'wiki' where listed all off your public and private information~"

Hearing the word 'Private information' they eventually tense up as they shouted: "you can't do that, it's our private life, don't you dare involved your self in are matters!"

"Yeah yeah! Don't you dare do that, did you know us? We are Elite nobles-"

The people who are trying to threaten the Unknown being eventually shut up after seeing the weird face the Unknown Being make after hearing their complaints.

After making sure that everyone was silent, the being happily lead their self on their 'throne' as the big wall (screen) shone brightly. A bunch of information has been revealed.



Choi Han



Punk (by Ron)
Choi Han of the Black Blade
Cale Henituse's guardian knight


"Wha- Guardian Knight?! I would never serve that trash!! This a load of Bullsh*t!!" After seeing that it was his information being shown, he immediately tense up.

But after seeing that he serve that trash as a guardian knight, the hot boiling blood in his body erupt. He can accept the fact that the trash was the one who change the fate of that 'world line' but this information was so unexpected that he wanted to smack his other self for doing something low as that.

Og! Choi Han frown once again at the sudden rage from his other self, he doesn't know what the other Cale do to make his other self acting like that to him. But his attitude toward someone who save him and his family was something unforgivable! .



Unnamed Parents (†)

Choi Jung Soo (nephew once removed,†)
Choi Jung Gun (uncle,†)


Seeing the new information, both Choi Han shut up and look at the 'wall' (screen) with wide eyes.

'Who would have thought that they have a nephew and unknown uncle!'

After being thown here so suddenly, both of them was so focus of being out of the Forest of Darkness and to survive that they forgot about their First Family.

But hey, how come they're dead... Another despair ignite in their heart.

Unknown to Tboah! Choi Han, his current 'family' are puzzled at this information.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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