Chapter 2

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/ / / (means time skip)

After you're done screaming into your pillow about 'him' like a mad man, you end up falling asleep.


The next day you hear a 'ding!" that wakes you up from your nap. You can't tell where it came from but then realize it was coming from your phone that is on your desk. You lift yourself out of bed and walk over to your desk, you grab your phone and turn it on, 'a text message?' it reads from "Unknown"; You were hesitant at first but decided to check it. "Hello (Y/N), this is Michael. Just making sure that you typed your number properly haha!." You chuckle at his text, and respond with "Haha, yes I type my number in right." You read it over a few times just to make sure you didn't make any mistakes before you send it. Faster than you thought he would, he started writing his response. "Great. Now if you don't mind, could I make an appointment for Monday or Friday?". You text back "Monday is good for me" well, actually any day would be fine for you but, you would rather see him again sooner than later. Even though you just met him on Friday, you have already gotten a bit 'attached' to him. Once again you hear another 'ding!' from your phone and you eagerly check it.

"Hey for what you've already helped me with now and what you will, you can always call me to help you too if you ever need it. :)" when he said that it made you smile wider than you have in a while, you responded back with "Thank you. ♥". After your 'little' conversation (that lasted like an hour) you went to cook yourself some food for lunch.

/ / /

After laying around for a couple hours you look at the time, it was around 6:30 and you decided to go outside for some nice fresh air from being inside for so long, just not too long ago your neighbor sold their house but you never asked why or to who just in case it seemed rude. While you were getting on your sweater to go outside you wondered who could be the person that's living beside you now? You put on your shoes and walked out the door hoping for just a nice relaxing breather, You saw a similar car pull into the driveway "hum...that's just a coincidence right?" you say to yourself somewhat whispering. When the person in the car opened the door you gasped at the realization that your new neighbor,

Is your ex.

You froze in place from shock not really knowing what to do, you suddenly snapped back into reality when you realized they started walking towards you. 'Shit' - you start freaking out, you HATED them with all of you after what they did to you; That's why they're your ex in the first place! "Heyyy (Y/N)... long time no see huh?" they said to you reaching their hand out to touch your shoulder "Don't. What are you doing here in the first place?" you said to them, swatting their hand away in the process. "Oh? You think I wouldn't find you someday? I told you I would." You felt shivers running down your spine like spiders, 'oh my god' you said to yourself while trying to back away from them "Don't you dare run from me like this." you booked it from there and ran to your door unlocking it as fast as you could but, they were fast too. As you were closing the door you saw their hand stick through the hole and you screamed in terror, "Get AWAY from me!" you said as you bit their hand in anger.

As you closed the door you heard a loud groan from the other side and you knew that it was your chance to get the hell away from your front door, you ran up your stairs to get to your phone and call for help, and you knew the first person to call; You didn't think of calling the police at first because you didn't really want a lot of people near so... you called Michael, he was the first person in mind because you knew that he could help you and you really needed his help right now. 'Ring ring, ring ring' 'please PLEASE pick up' you said to yourself shaking your leg up and down in nervousness. Finally, after what felt like AN HOUR he picked up; " (Y/N)? What did you call for?" (NOT IN A RUDE WAY), you breathe heavily "Michael I'm sorry for calling you but I REALLY need your help right now." you hear banging on your front door "(Y/N) what's going on? Are you okay? Where are you?" You shriek in terror as you here your ex scream your name "(Y/N)!" Now you can hear that Michael sounds really worried on his end. "(Y/N), you don't even need to explain I'm coming over right now. Whoever screamed your name doesn't seem like they're doing anything good." You tell him your address and try to hurry him up as much as you can. Finally after a couple minutes, you hear muffled yelling from outside of your house wondering what it could be: Then you remember, "oh yeah, them.". 'Knock knock knock' "Uh (Y/N)? It's me, Michael. Please open the door." you shakily get up off the floor and went to go open your front door for what you hope would be Michael. As you opened the door you felt your face relax as you realized that it WAS Michael. You immediately ran to him and hugged him "Oh my god Michael thank you so much" You were practically squeezing him to death while hugging him "So, what exactly was going on with them?". You paused for a bit before continuing. "They're just a crazy ex...." He just nodded and continued the hug for a while longer.

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