Something Bad

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When they stopped the next day, Aisling immediately set off into the trees without unsaddling Roharan. She had needed to pee super bad for the last 10 minutes or so but knew they were going to stop soon and didn't want to seem like the weak one - yet again - so she waited. But now she was about to burst.

Once she was far enough away that she was sure Haldir and Legolas couldn't hear her - goddamn elf hearing - she stepped behind a tree and relieved herself, moving as quickly as possible. While she felt that she was relatively safe, she didn't like to be alone in the woods for too long. But despite her soreness, she felt in relatively high spirits, ready to start with that day's training. Haldir had spent the afternoon discussing a few things he wanted her to try and she was actually kind of looking forward to it.

As she started back towards camp, she heard a loud rustle in the trees somewhere to her side - at least she thought. She couldn't really tell. Coming to a stop, her eyes widened as she looked around, but didn't hear anything else.

"Okay, funny guys," she shouted out, though she wasn't sure why she would think one of them was playing a prank on her. Definitely not Haldir or Aragorn. But maybe Legolas? She wouldn't put it past him to incorporate an ambush into his training tactics. And it was either that or she was about to be devoured by something.

Oh, god, she really hoped she wasn't about to be devoured by something. Even if this was a dream, she didn't think it would be pleasant.

Standing still a few more moments, nothing happened, so Aisling started towards the camp again in a brisk walk, feeling like whatever it was, she really didn't want to find out. But then the rustling happened again, this time louder and coming from behind, causing Aisling to shoot off in a sprint.

"I am NOT about to die here," she muttered, feeling her heart begin to race.

She pushed herself to go faster, but just as she tried to dash around a tree, she ended up tripping and face-planting into the ground and sliding a bit. A growl sounded behind her, causing her to freeze and then flip over, seeing a large wolf creeping out of the trees.

"Oh god, okay," she whispered, looking around and quickly going through her options.

She wasn't sure if she could outrun it and the way it was snarling at her, she didn't think wolves were friendly here. Or well, they probably weren't that friendly anywhere, she just had never seen one in the wild. Or maybe it was actually a person. Did they have shapeshifters here? Aisling somehow managed to get up to her feet, putting her hands out. Fuck, why didn't she know what to do if she ran into a wild animal? Why did no one think to tell her about this? She should have asked. If she survived this, she was definitely going to ask.

"Nice wolf. I'm not dangerous. Are you... do you understand me?" she said, her eyes locked with the wolf's. It growled at her, baring its teeth. "Okay, you are not a nice wolf, then."

Slowly, she started backing away, praying that someone would hear her. She wasn't that far from camp. Surely Legolas or Haldir would hear with their super hearing. The farther she moved back, the more the wolf inched towards her, its muscles rippling under its fur as though it was about to pounce. Oh shit, this was not good.

"Nice, wolfy," Aisling murmured again. "Goddammit, why couldn't this have been Twilight?"

She then decided the best thing to do was to turn and make a run for it, screaming bloody murder in the hopes someone would run to her aid. Spinning around, she started sprinting again, hearing the wolf launch itself forward as well.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit," she shouted over and over again. "HELP!"

Aisling swore she felt the wolf take a swipe at her leg, throwing her off balance and once again tumbling to the ground, though she immediately tried to scramble to her feet. But the wolf lurched forward and she spun over, throwing up her arms to protect herself. The animal latched its jaws on her left forearm, causing her to shriek in pain as she tried to shake it off of her. But the wolf had her in a vice-like grip as tears sprung to her eyes.

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