Harry Styles Dirty Imagines xx

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You and harry have been dating for awhile now. You have made soo many new friends such as his band mates and their girl friends they have all became like brothers and sisters to you but lately you and harry have been arguring alot. Louis suggessed that we all go out to a club and have a good time. This was it, this is the perfect way for you to get harry to start talking to you again maby even more than that. That night harry was in his usual grumpy mood again but you knew by the end of the night his mood would be completely different ;) You ran upstairs and looked for the sexist outfit you could find. After looking through everything your wardrobe you finally fond the perfect outfit. It was a tight short bright red mini dress that hugged you curvey figure perfect. It made you bum look perfectly round and your boobs look HUGE!. You curled your hair and put on the perfact amount of make up and bright red lip stick. You put on you brand new shoes and you looked at yourself in the mirror quite pleased with what you see and you knew harry would be to.

"(y/n) HURRY UP!!!!"  he shouted up, you quickly took one last look and hurried out your bedroom door. You got to the top of the staris and just as you expected harrys jaw dropped open. A smirk appeared on your face knowing that this was going to be good.

"wow you look HOT!!!"

"You dont look to bad yourself " You giggled

You walked out to the car and you knew harry was stairing at your ass. He ran on past you and opened the car door you thanked him and sat in the front. The car ride was silent  and you couldn't wait to get to the club.

When you got there you ran on not waiting on harry to catch up you burst through the doors and and the music was blasting throught the speakers. You found eleanor, danielle and perrie sitting at a table with louis, liam, niall, and  zayn. When they seen you they got up and ran to give you a hug because they knew what you and harry were like at the minute.

"wow you look hot (y/n)!" el shouted over the music she was your bestest friend out of them all.

"thanks you look amazayn (see what i did there lol) to"

We all walked over to the bar and got our drinks. You could see harry watching your every move. You also knew harry got very jealous very easy so you decited to piss him off.

"Lets go dancing!!!" you screamed over the music. The girls must have understood because the ran over to the dance floor. You were having great fun and then came the perfect opportunity a guy came up behind you and started grinding on you, you felt alittle uncomfortable but you this would be perfect because you were right infront of harry. You could smelt the steal stench of alcohol from the man. It nearly made you stick but you had to carry on because you could see harry getting pissed off already.

"you are so sexy" the drunkin man shouted

"why thank you handsome your not to shabby yourself"

By now you could feel the mans erection through his jeans. You both danced on for about 5 more minutes and finally harry through his glass down and ran over to me and the drunkin man and punched the man right in the face.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT!!!!!!" you yelled you knew he would get jealous but not this bad to be honest you were quite scared. Did you maby push it abit to far.

"Get your things (y/n) were are leaving" you were to scared to argue so you did as you were told.

El gave you a worried look but you sent her a reassuring look back but u were worried on the inside. Harry walked quickly out of the club an because you were in heels you couldn't catch up with him. You could see he was pissed. He stopped and picked you up over his shoulder.

Harry Styles Dirty Imagines xxWhere stories live. Discover now