Here for you

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I got to the back to the back. I changed to my normal clothes and grabbed my phone. I was so glad I got some payback on those two pieces of shit. Then I heard my phone beginning to buzz it was my Dad. My mom died years ago so I always would call my dad. "Hey Y/n I saw your match tonight and you were amazing out there. I just need you to know I love you." "Thanks Dad and course I know you love me and I love you too Dad. But what's going on? You sound scared." Than another man's voice spoke "Because that will be his final words." Then I heard a gunshot and one last yell from my dad. The other line hung up and sent the location. I grabbed my stuff and ran to the location.

When I got there it was an abandoned prison. I saw my dad was long gone and there was something written on the wall. "You're next Y/n Y/L/n." It was written in my dad's blood. All of a sudden I couldn't breathe. My heart was racing. I was having a panic attack. The problem is when I was younger and panic attacks I had to go to my dad. Now I don't know what to do.

I felt like I was going to pass out, but then I heard a voice. "Holy shit Y/n." It was Austin. He kneeled Infront of me. He talked in a calm voice "Hey Y/n I need you to breathe" I followed he count to breathe. "1....2....3..." He did his till I was breathing normally. Then he hugged "You'll be ok I'm here for you."

Once I calmed down we called the police and they said they would try but no promises. And Austin stayed with me for a while till I was mentally feeling better. It took a couple days but I felt safe as long as Austin was there. I felt good enough to go to raw the next week. I couldn't miss the chance to team with Austin. I got my gear and went to the area.

A/n thanks for the wait on this chapter. Tell me which mix tag team you want you and Austin to fight and I will see you all next time. Love you <3

The Man Behind The Selfie (Austin Theory x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now