mix-tag round one

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Tonight was round one of the first round. Me and Austin were facing B'N'B aka Balor and Bailey. Me and Austin went to the gym. As we were working out Austin all of a sudden ran off and hugged someone. I got up from the bench to see who he hugged. It was Johnny Gargano. Candice was also there with their kid. I haven't really talked to Johnny but I talked to Candice a bit when I was training. "Hey Candice how are you doing." "I'm good Y/n I see you have met our pretty much adopted son." I smile looking at Austin " Yeah you can say he has helped me through a lot recently." I looked at her kid and Candice let me hold him. I talked in a cute voice "And what's your name sir." "His name is Quill." "Awwww!" I gave him back. After a bit I looked at the time and it was 7:30 and I quickly turned to Austin "Austin look at the time." "Oh shi- oops kid. We got to go." We said our goodbyes and drove to the area.

Lucky no one noticed that we were late. I went to the women's locker room and there were a few girls in there I went into a stall and changed into my outfit. When I got out of the stall some of the girls were talking about the mixed match challenges. Bayley was on of these people. I decided not to join there conversation. I went to the other side of the room and just listened to what they were saying. Bayley said "I just can't wait to see who I fight next week." Then Rhea said "Are you forgetting this week? You have to win that one to move on." Bayley smirked "This week will be easy. I'm facing Y/n like how hard can that be." Rhea got serious "Don't underestimate y/n. I partnered with her and she's really talented." "Yeah sure whatever I don't really care." "Have fun with Y/n tonight then." Rhea said with a small chuckle. Bayley just got up and left.

Time skip

It was finally time for me and Austin's match against B'N'B. We came out and the crowd sounded so happy. Then Bayley and Finn went to the ring and the match started with Finn and Austin. Finn went and started throwing punches but Austin countered and hit back with a kick to the face. Some time happened and Austin tagged me in. Bayley had to go in. "Your a pathetic bitch." she said then she bitch slapped me. I did not take that and jumped on her and delivered punch after punch. Eventually she slip her self under the rope and I had to get off her. She had a bloody nose and when she got back in she instantly tagged in Finn.

Time skip

Austin was putting up fight but Finn was extremely skilled at had the upper hand. Finn ran up to Austin but Austin hit him with a kick to the face. It gave Austin enough to tag me back in. Bayley didn't seem to excided about having to go back in. I didn't hesitate to start attacking her. After a while of us fighting Bayley was stunned and Balor was still on the ground. I pointed at Austin then I hit the A-town on Bayley.


We won and Austin came in the ring in hugged me. We were amazing together. We went to the back and Rhea high fived me. "I tried to warn her. I'm glad you put her in her place." Rhea said smiling. "Thanks Rhea and Austin you did great too ." "Thanks y/n Finn was a pain in the ass to fight though." I patted him onto the back. "Well you still did great. Let go change and get some rest and I'll see you tomorrow at the park ok?" I told Austin "Alright see y'all." And with that I said bye to Rhea and got my stuff and went home and fell asleep.

The Man Behind The Selfie (Austin Theory x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now