the story on 'eyeless jack'

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[jacks p.o.v] names jack. I'm a teen and i lived with my family. i had to wear glasses as my vision was different at only 3 years old...i wore them up to 16...when my vision got weird, i would see random things happen... only i could see it...when ever i talked to looked as they were melting... i was vision was bad as it only got worst.

i would make eye contact with someone at school....and there eyes would bleed out black one else would see it...i didn't go to school anymore as i had locked myself in my room...i wouldn't leave unless it was for food or bathroom breaks.. i didn't talk to anyone..not even my day i heard a soft knock on my door i asked "who is it.." and my mother opened the door and peeked her head in.."you have company. three friends of yours want to see if your alright" she said so sweetly.. i didn't know i had friends... so i asked "friends? who...?"

without an answer three boys walked in. Jeff, the tallest grabbed me and put me in a headlock. giving me a knuckle sandwich. some words spoke from him.. "hey bud, how have you been?" he spoke as it was a joke. and the others that you might know as....masky and hoodie...they stepped in after.. masky gave a small smile and waved..hoodie look annoyed..                                        "you guys..came to see me?" i asked, i was confused but yet happy...masky chuckled and answered "of course! we were worried. right hoodie?".. hoodie didn't seem that worried, he gave a small and quick nod. "so whats been troubling ya?" jeff asked..i looked down to the floor not wanting eye contact "i have been seeing weird things..lately..thing i don't really understand myself, like creepy messed up doctor told me it was just my poor eye sight... but i don't think he really gets it." i spoke as jeff nodded.

 they thought for a moment..jeff sighed "i wish i knew someoen to help you dude.." masky was thinking still...a moment later he snapped his fingers. "have you tired eating kidneys?" he spoke as everyone look at him confused. he spoke again "i dont know where i read it but i heard somewhere that if you eat enough kidney your eyesight increases almost instantly.i think it also helps with brain functioning and, motor skills.. maybe your just lacking kidney?" jeff almost spoke when i did 'masky may have a point..i can't remember the last time i had kidney. so maybe it worth a shot?" i quickly grabbed my hoodie and ran out the room. leaving the house, after i left masky said under his breathe "i may have been thinking of carrots". [later]

"are you sure about this? kidney isn't exactly the best when it comes to taste." my mother frowned as she gave me a slice of the meat that was cooking on the stove. i nodded as i wanted to try it. i was already cutting into it and eating, my mother watched almost feeling sick of the way i ate. "how is it?" she asked. i chewed and took a moment before answering "not that bad, taste pretty good." i nodded before eating more "alright, just take it easy" she said before leaving.

the next day i woke up, not seeing the bleeding black stuff from the walls like i normally do. i smiled, i got ready and went to school. i waved to people, interacted with alot of people.                   "whoa. im guessing the kidneys worked? masky laughed as i nodded. "like a charm, i owe you one. me and masky fist bumped before heading off to his first class. after some days the affect was wearing off. so i ran down to the super market and got more. he used it to heal his eyesight.

this went on for a couple of months and it costed alot, as i started borrowing from my mom and dad as i was doing chores to earn it. but one day...they were out of kidneys, as they had to throw it out because of a sickness going around..i was upset as there wouldnt be meat for awhile. i would have to deal with the melting faces, and bleeding walls.

i walked home in the rain. i shut my eyes trying to shut out the visions, but it wont stop. it was becoming to much for me..everything i had to see was breaking me, the faces were worst..               "jack? are you alright?" i looked up to see something i recognised to be my mother..her eyes bleeding black ooze as what i could see, her mouth missing replaced with fangs and an overbite. i screamed as i looked at the sight, it was worst than ever. i had to get kidney..i couldn't deal with this anymore...i began to tear at my sockets, scratching at his cornea.. until i felt myself bleed.

i didn't stop there though, i used my nails to scrap out whats left of y eyeballs..i didn't want to see...not anymore..i was craving kidneys. i heard my mother speak "jack!?" i turned to look at her....humans had kidneys...right?...yeah..i remember studying it...i needed the kidney so bad...could i....i followed my mother voice, grabbing her skirt i tugged until i had a good grip on her.. then i attacked, she fell to the floor trying to get away.."jack?! jack stop!" she yelled trying to push me off.. but i already was digging into her skin with my own nails.

the flesh of her stomach began to rip apart, once it was open he blindly dig around for the kidney, i took a bit of every organ until i found it. i was eating it...after i finished, i smiled....i needed more...

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